Legislation recently introduced in the Kansas Senate would provide new percentages for the State Historic Tax Credit (HTC) based on the population of the city and the amount of qualified rehabilitation expenditures (QREs).
Applications for the nine percent LIHTCs and HUD Resources are due at 5:00 p.m. CST, Jan. 10, 2025.
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation announced that this year’s changes to the QAP have now been finalized.
Builders and developers in six Kansas communities will receive a combined total of $1,696,000 in Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits (KHITCs) to develop affordable housing for moderate-income families in rural areas of the state.
The State of Kansas will conduct a public hearing to provide an opportunity for citizens to review and comment upon the preliminary draft of the 2025 Action Plan of the 2024–2028 Kansas Consolidated Plan.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development presented a check for $8 million on August 20 to Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) to administer the state’s new Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) for Persons with Disabilities program.
As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, HUD obligated HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds to KHRC in the amount of $22,548,530.
As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, HUD obligated HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds to KHRC in the amount of $22,548,530.
As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, HUD obligated HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds to KHRC in the amount of $22,548,530.
Fifteen housing developments in 14 Kansas communities will add a collective 522 affordable homes to the state’s housing stock, thanks to funds awarded through the state’s competitive housing development application process.
Join Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) leaders today, Wednesday, June 26 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. for an update on its efforts to roll out new housing resources.
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation has released the 2024 Round 3 KHITC application materials for the Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credit (KHITC) program.