IRS/Tax Issues


Treasury IG Report Concludes IRS Oversight of Housing Credit Program Can Be Improved

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) recently released a report on IRS oversight of the LIHTC program calling for improvements.


IRS Sets Threshold for Four Percent Floor Eligibility

Last week, the Internal Revenue Service published Revenue Ruling 2021-20, which limits the LIHTC buildings that are eligible for the fixed four percent floor.


IRS Publishes 2022 LIHTC, PAB Caps

The Internal Revenue Service released Revenue Procedure 2021-45, which sets state ceilings for nine percent LIHTCs and private activity bonds (PAB).


IRS Extends Virtual Public Hearing Option for Tax-Exempt Bonds Through March 31, 2022

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Rev. Proc. 2021-39, which extends the ability of bond issuers to conduct hearings virtually through March 31, 2022 due to COVID-19.


NCSHA Urges IRS and Treasury to Extend Housing Credit COVID-19 Relief

NCSHA sent the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Department of the Treasury a letter urging them to extend certain temporary Housing Credit relief provisions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s continuing disruption of development and construction activities and the ongoing operation of Housing Credit properties.


IRS Publishes Population Figures for Calculating Disaster LIHTC Authority

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published Notice 2021-45 advising Housing Credit allocating agencies that qualified for disaster credits authority under the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 of the population residing in qualified disaster zones.


IRS Publishes Updated FAQ Document for HTC

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published an updated frequently asked questions (FAQ) document concerning the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC). The questions addressed what types of entities can claim the HTC, how and when the HTC can be claimed on a tax return key program definitions, qualified rehabilitation expenditures, basis and several other key aspects surrounding HTC.


IRS Announcement Confirms Boundaries of OZs Remain As-Is at Time of Designation

Announcement 2021-10 from the Internal Revenue Service confirms that the boundaries of Designated Qualified Opportunity Zones (OZs)were established at the time they were designated and are not subject to change from the 2020 decennial Census.


IRS Posts Population Figures Used to Calculate LIHTC, PAB Cap

On March 15, 2021, the IRS published Notice 2021-19, which advises state a local housing credit agencies and issuers of private activity bonds of the state population figures that are used to calculate the annual state allocation for the 9% LIHTC as well as the state’s private activity bond cap.


IRS Average Income Hearing – March 24

The Internal Revenue Service will hold a virtual hearing on its Average Income Test proposed rule on March 24 at noon ET. Register by March 22 by emailing or contacting Regina Johnson at (202) 317–5177. NH&RA submitted comments and will attend the public hearing.


IRS Extends COVID-Related LIHTC, Opportunity Zones Relief

Internal Revenue Service Notice 2021-12 extends the temporary relief for qualified LIHTC projects. The 10 percent test for carryover allocations and the 24-month minimum rehabilitation expenditure period are extended until September 30. The deadline for income recertifications and compliance monitoring is extended until October 1 and the placed-in-service deadline is extended to December 31.


NH&RA Submits Comments on IRS/Treasury’s Average Income Test Proposed Rule  

NH&RA submitted our comments on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of the Treasury’s proposed rule on the average income test.

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