IRS/Tax Issues


IRS Provides Guidance on Energy-Related Tax Issues

The IRS recently released Notice 2012-23 to provide guidance on tax-related issues involving cash payments for specified energy property in lieu of tax credits under Section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009 (ARRTA).


PowerPoints, Materials from Annual Meeting Now Available

NH&RA is pleased to offer the PowerPoint Presentations from our recent 2011 Annual Meeting & New Markets Tax Credit Symposium, which was held February 22-26 at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Fla. In addition, we have included additional conference materials, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. under the relevant session titles.


IRS Issues Guidance on Energy Efficiency Deductions for Commercial Buildings

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released Notice 2012-22 to provide updates on Notice 2008-40 and Notice 2006-52, both of which relate to guidance on deductions for energy efficient commercial buildings.


Study Finds Very Low Recapture Rate for Historic Tax Credit

A new report released by the National Trust for Historic Preservation has found a very low rate of recapture of federal historic rehabilitation tax credits claimed over the past 10 years in historic rehab transactions.


A Quick Guide to the Budget

Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2013 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President’s priorities, budget overviews organized by agency, and summary tables.


Indiana Adopts Tax Credit Property Legislation

On February 1, the Indiana State Senate adopted Senate Bill 344, which requires county assessors to include the value of the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) in the assessed value of tax credit properties.


IRS Releases Notice on RPWG Physical Inspection Pilot Program

The IRS recently issued Notice 2012-18 to clarify rules relating to compliance monitoring and physical inspection requirements under the Rental Policy Working Group’s (RPWG) Physical Inspections Pilot Program. This program hopes to achieve a more coordinated effort for conducting physical inspections at properties that benefit from multiple sources of Federal funding with different inspection protocol


Rep. Levin to Reintroduce Taxation on Carried Interest Measure

House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-Mich) has indicated that he will reintroduce legislation to tax carried interest compensation at the same ordinary income tax rates.


Indiana Introduces LIHTC Property Tax and State Tax Credit Legislation

Indiana State Senator Brandt Hershman (R) has introduced Senate Bill 344, which would repeal of the prohibition against using the value of federal income tax credits awarded under Section 42 for the purpose of determining assessed value.


Amicus Brief Filed in Historic Boardwalk Hall Case

The law firm of Miller & Chevalier filed an amicus brief on December 21, 2011 to the Third Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals on behalf of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and other organizations in the IRS appeal of Historic Boardwalk Hall, LLC v. Commissioner.


IRS Issues Notice on Refunding Disaster Relief Bonds

The IRS issued Notice 2012-3 to provide guidance on current refunding issues for outstanding prior bond issues that qualify for tax-exempt bond financing under disaster relief bond programs including Gulf Opportunity Zone Bonds (GO Zone Bonds), qualified Midwestern disaster area bonds and Hurricane Ike disaster area bonds under the Heartland Disaster Act.


IRS Suspends Requirements for Iowa Storm Victims

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued Notice 2012-07 to announce the temporary suspension of certain requirements for low-income housing tax credit projects in order to provide emergency housing relief to individuals affected by the flooding in Iowa between May 25 and August 1, 2011.

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