

2014 Iowa QAP: Final Version Available

The 2014 Iowa QAP is now available on Iowa Finance Authority’s (IFA) website. The final application is due on December 9, 2013 at 4:30 pm. Please note that there applicants must attend a mandatory developer training session.


Iowa Draft QAP Open for Comment

The 2014 proposed Iowa Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) has been posted on the Iowa Finance Authority website and is open for public comments until August 27, 2013 at 4:30PM CST


Iowa Governor Signs Law Modifying State Historic Tax Credit

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad yesterday signed Senate File 436 into law to modify the rules for the state Historic Preservation and Cultural and Entertainment District Tax Credit, making the program easier to use and expanding eligibility.


Iowa 2014 QAP Public Forum

The Iowa Finance Authority is hosting a public forum for interested parties to provide feedback and recommendations for the 2014 Qualified Allocation Plan.


IRS Sets State Tax Credit Ceilings for 2013

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced in Revenue Procedure 2012-41 that it has set the inflation-adjusted State credit ceiling for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and private activity bond caps for calendar year 2013.


Iowa to Host Mandatory Housing Credit Developers Meetings

The Iowa Finance Agency will be hosting four housing credit developers meetings during the month of October. All developers planning to apply for 2013 Low Income Housing Tax Credits must attend one of the meetings.


IRS Extends Comment Period on Iowa Relief Credit

The Internal Revenue Service released a notice in the Federal Register announcing that it is extending the comment period for previously issued Notice 2012″“7.


Iowa House Passes Bill to Reform State Tax Increment Financing Program

The Iowa House of Representatives recently passed a bill, HF 2460, that would reform the state’s controversial tax incremented financing (TIF) program.


Iowa Releases 2012 LIHTC Program Information

The Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) has released its Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and supporting LIHTC program documents for the 2012 tax credit program.


IRS Issues Notice on Refunding Disaster Relief Bonds

The IRS issued Notice 2012-3 to provide guidance on current refunding issues for outstanding prior bond issues that qualify for tax-exempt bond financing under disaster relief bond programs including Gulf Opportunity Zone Bonds (GO Zone Bonds), qualified Midwestern disaster area bonds and Hurricane Ike disaster area bonds under the Heartland Disaster Act.


IRS Suspends Requirements for Iowa Storm Victims

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued Notice 2012-07 to announce the temporary suspension of certain requirements for low-income housing tax credit projects in order to provide emergency housing relief to individuals affected by the flooding in Iowa between May 25 and August 1, 2011.


Iowa Releases Draft 2012 QAP

The Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) recently released the state’s proposed 2012 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and an overview of significant changes to the plan.

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