

Census Bureau & HUD Release New Housing Data Files

The Census Bureau and HUD have released new housing data files for the following Metro Areas.


Illinois Schedules QAP Workshops

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) is offering two complimentary workshops focusing on IHDA’s proposed 2011 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit application process.


State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Outlook for 2011

NH&RA Historic Preservation Development Council Member MacRostie Historic Advisors has posted an excellent state historic tax credit update on its website.


Illinois Announces Extension of Preservation Initiative in 2011

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) has announced that it will extend its Multi-Family Initiative Bond program through 2011, providing low-cost fixed-rate permanent financing which will provide resources to borrowers to finance new construction, acquisition and rehabilitation or adaptive reuse of existing developments.


Illinois Releases Draft 2011 QAP

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) has released a draft version of its updated Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for the 2011 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program.


Illinois Publishes Draft 2011 QAP, Solicits Comments

The Illinois Housing Development Authority has released a draft of the 2011 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan. The state will have approximately $21 million to allocate in 2011.


Illinois Extends Preservation Initiative

The Illinois Housing Development Authority has extended its housing preservation initiative, offering low-cost fixed-rate permanent financing which will provide resources to borrowers to finance new construction, acquisition and rehabilitation or adaptive reuse of existing developments.


Illinois Governor Signs Legislation to Boost Affordable Housing Development

Governor Pat Quinn last week signed legislation that will boost affordable housing development across Illinois. House Bill 6038 extends the Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credit through 2016, which was set to expire next year.


Illinois Governor Signs Legislation to Double State NMTC Cap

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn this week signed a bill (S.B. 2093) into law that increases the state’s existing New Markets Tax Credit for new investment into small businesses in underserved communities.


Illinois Solicits Feedback on 2010 QAP

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (the Authority) is soliciting feedback from the development community on all aspects of the 2010 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) application process.


Federal Agencies Announce Hearings on CRA

The federal bank and thrift regulatory agencies ““ including the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision ““ recently announced a series of upcoming public hearings on modernizing the regulations that implement the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).


CDFI Fund Schedules Listening Sessions Around Authorizing Statute

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund has announced that it is undertaking a holistic review of its authorizing statute and has scheduled a series of “listening sessions” to generate discussion and interest among CDFI stakeholders.

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