HUD has published its quarterly notice of all regulatory waivers that the Department has approved for the Office of Community Planning and Development, the Office of Housing ““ Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH).
NCHMA is pleased to present the conference materials including Power Point presentations relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from our recent Annual Meeting held in Chicago, IL September 6-7 at the Conrad Hotel.
HUD has released a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to accompany Housing Notice 2012-08, which provides guidance for the prepayment and refinancing of Section 202 Direct Loan projects.
A new report entitled “What Happens to Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties at Year 15 and Beyond?”, commissioned by HUD and written by Abt Associates Inc., examines the long-term affordability of LIHTC properties and likelihood of properties maintaining affordability after the initial 15-year compliance period is over.
On June 29, the U.S. House of Representatives approved its fiscal year (FY) 2013 appropriations bill (HR. 5972) for the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, or T-HUD. The approved bill funds HUD programs at around $33.6 billion, which is about $1.36 billion (3.9 percent) below the Senate Appropriations Committee proposed FY 2013 amount, $1.75 billion (4.9 percent) below the President’s FY 2013 request, and $3.8 billion (10.2 percent) below the FY 2012 enacted level. The FY 2013 appropriations bill (HR. 5973) for the U.S. Department of Agriculture including rural housing programs administered by Rural Development is expected to be considered by the full House within the next week. The Senate Appropriations Committee approved its version of both bills (S. 2322, S. 2375) in April but the full Senate has not yet scheduled floor consideration of the bill.
The White House Domestic Policy Council’s Rental Policy Working Group (RPWG) recently held a conference to discuss progress of its ongoing rental policy alignment activities, including the various pilot programs underway and next steps for other alignment projects.
We are pleased to welcome Pat Costigan, Special Adviser to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as the keynote speaker at this year’s National Council of Real Estate Market Analysts Annual Meeting, September 6-7 at the Conrad Hotel in Chicago.
HUD has released a Preview of Data for its U.S. Housing Market Conditions report for the second quarter of 2012. The quarterly report is a compilation of statistical data and written reports.
HUD released a notice to announce changes to the mortgage insurance premiums (MIPs) for certain Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Multifamily Housing, Health Care Facilities, and Hospital Mortgage Insurance programs for commitments to be issued or reissued in FY 2013.
HUD recently published Housing Notice H 2012-14 which requires property owners that receive Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) to offset monthly subsidies with funds from their Residual Receipts account. The new policy outlines the obligations and duties of owners and the responsibilities of HUD Field staff in processing and monitoring the use of residual receipts.
HUD will be offering several HOME training programs across the country over the next several months.
HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) recently published the final implementation notice, Notice PIH 2012-32, for its Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. RAD was authorized in the 2012 HUD appropriations bill, H.R. 2112.