
UPDATE Senate, House Passes Continuing Resolution to Fund Programs Through September 2013

The U.S. Senate on March 20 passed by a vote of 73 to 26 an amended version of the U.S. House of Representatives FY 2013 continuing resolution (CR), H.R. 933. The legislation provides funding for all federally funded agencies for the remainder of FY 2013, which ends on September 30, 2013.


HUD and Census Bureau Release Joint Study on Multifamily Housing Properties

The U.S. Census Bureau and HUD recently released the new 2012 Rental Housing Finance Survey, which provides a more complete picture of the nation’s multifamily rental properties, including data on property values, how their mortgages are financed, and characteristics of the structures.


HUD Releases Notice Clarifying Prior Approval Rules for FHA Lender Principles

HUD recently released Notice H 2013-07 to provide supplemental guidance to previously issued Mortgagee Letter (ML) 2010-21 and Notice H 2010-11 to clarify processing procedures and to describe how lenders can obtain prior approval for mortgage insurance commitments.


Nixon Peabody Article Details Threat of Sequestration

NH&RA member firm, Nixon Peabody recent released an article detailing the potential threats of the looming sequestration cuts.


VA Adopts Final Rule Amending Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently released a notice in the Federal Register which adopts as a final rule proposed rule to amend the VA regulations concerning the Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Programs.


Choice Neighborhoods Authorization Bill Re-Introduced

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) recently re-introduced the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Act of 2013 (S. 437), which would fully authorize the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) program and allocate $350 million in FY 2013.


OMB Issues Report to Congress Detailing Sequestration Effects on Programs

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released a letter to Congressional leaders which detailed the calculations of the amounts and percentages by which various budgetary resources are required to be reduced due to sequestration, or the automatic $85 billion worth of across-the-board spending cuts in fiscal year (FY) 2013


Rent Supp and RAP Owners Must Submit RAD Expression of Interest by April 1

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has indicated that owners of Rent Supplement and Rental Assistance Payments (RAP) properties should submit Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) expression of interest letters for conversion under the second non-competitive component to HUD by April 1.


Bipartisan Policy Center’s Housing Commission Releases Federal Housing Policy Recommendations

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Housing Commission recently released its report recommending improvements to America’s federal housing programs. The recommendations propose scaling back the government role in the housing finance system and reforming housing assistance programs to better meet the needs of the most vulnerable households.


CBPP Estimates Sequestration Effects on Housing Programs

The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) recently released a report entitled “Estimated Cuts In Federal Housing Assistance and Community Development Programs Due to Sequestration”, which details the effects the potential across-the-board funding cuts for most federal programs (sequestration) could have on state housing programs.


HUD Releases 2013 HOME Income Limits

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently released the 2013 HOME income limits, effective February 20, 2013. HOME income limits are calculated using the same methodology that HUD uses for calculating Section 8 program limits.


HUD Secretary Sends Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Re: Sequestration Impacts

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan recently sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Appropriations Chari Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) about the effects sequestration could have on the families, individuals and communities that rely on HUD programs.

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