HUD Releases Green and Resilient Retrofit Program NOFOs

HUD released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for its Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP).


NSPIRE Inspections to Start July 1 for Public Housing, Oct. 1 for HUD-Assisted Properties

Last week, HUD published the final rule for the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE), which establishes a new approach to defining and assessing housing quality.


HUD Publishes Income Guidance for Community Solar Programs

Community solar providers and building owners are grappling with how owners can distribute the financial benefits of community or rooftop solar to residents that reside in master-metered buildings and do not have an individual electricity bill.


HUD Allocates $383 Million via National Housing Trust Fund

HUD allocated $382 million through the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF), which funds capital costs properties serving extremely low- and very low-income households, including families experiencing homelessness.


HUD Outlines Plans to Remove Barriers to Housing for People with Criminal Records, Prohibit Discrimination on the Basis of Disability

HUD announced two plans last week, one centered on Potential Changes to Regulation Requiring Accessibility and Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in HUD-Assisted Programs the other on Removing Unnecessary Barriers to Housing for People with Criminal Records.


HUD Publishes HOME Facts & Per Unit 2023 Subsidy Limits 

HUD announces the publication of the issue of HOME FACTS, which informs all Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) that the right to draw HOME grant funds expires after nine fiscal years, including the fiscal year of the appropriation.


HUD NSPIRE Calculator Tool 

HUD announces the release of the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) score calculator demo video, which housing authorities, property owners and agents can use as a resource to estimate their inspection score under the new national standards for the inspections.


HUD Secretary Fudge Testifies before House Appropriations Committee on FY 2024 Budget Request, To Testify Before Senate Appropriations Committee on April 20

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge testified before the House Appropriations Committee on the department’s FY 2024 Budget Request.


Senate Considers Nominations of NEC Chairman, HUD Assistant Secretaries

The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs held a nomination hearing for Dr. Jared Bernstein to be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and Solomon Greene to be an assistant secretary of Policy Development & Research at HUD and David Uejio to be assistant secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at HUD.


HUD Highlights Land Use and Zoning Reforms

The Department of Housing and Urban Development released a new publication that summarizes the effects of restrictive land use policies on housing supply, location and affordability and highlights reforms that state and local governments can adopt to increase the housing supply.

General News

BPC Webinar on Boosting Landlord Voucher Acceptance – April 14

The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) is hosting a webinar at 1 p.m. ET on April 14 with senior HUD officials for a presentation on the various challenges to landlord acceptance of vouchers, as well as agency initiatives to overcome those hurdles, followed by a discussion exploring the future of landlord participation in the program.


HUD, Treasury Describe State’s use of ARP Funds to Increase Affordable Housing Supply

In a new Our Way Home blog post, Sarah Brundage, senior advisor for housing supply & infrastructure at HUD, and Ellen Lurie Hoffman, acting director of the office of community and economic development at Treasury, describe three examples of states utilizing American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding to serve their communities’ housing supply needs.

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