HUD recently published the final rule (24 CFR Part 92) amending the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program regulations. These amendments represent the most significant changes to the HOME Program in 17 years. The overall goal of these changes was to provide participating jurisdictions (PJs) and their partners with regulatory guidance to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the HOME Program in the context of a more complex housing and community development environment.
NH&RA was please to welcome over 100 participants at the 2013 Summer Institute. All conference materials, Power Point presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. are available for download.
Senators Tim Johnson (D-SD), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, and Mike Crapo (R-ID), the Committee’s Ranking Member, released a discussion draft of the Federal Housing Administration Solvency Act of 2013, which would implement several reforms designed to improve the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and to ensure the solvency of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund.
A recent letter from Shelley R. Poticha, Senior Advisor and Director of the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), indicated that her last day at HUD was July 12 and will soon begin work at the Natural Resources Defense Council on August 5.
HUD recently released Notice 2013-17 to update and consolidate previous guidance on the prepayment of Section 202 Direct Loan projects. The Notice touches on guidance for HUD approval and processing of the prepayment of old (1959-1974) and new (1974-1990) Section 202 projects and supersedes guidance from previous Notices 2002-16, 2004-21, 2010-14, 2012-08.
HUD recently published a proposed rule in the Federal Register which would amend current regulations covering the contract rights and obligations of mortgagees participating in Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) multifamily mortgage insurance programs, to address reimbursement to FHA of excess claim proceeds.
On July 2, 2013 HUD issued its “Notice of Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts Award Process” (Notice), which specifies the process by which HUD will award Senior Preservation Assistance Contracts (SPRACs). The Notice also starts the application process, and solicits applications for a period of 60 days.
HUD recently announced that the Office of Multifamily Housing will launch a centralized processing model for the majority of Section 236 preservation activity through the Office of Affordable Housing Preservation (OAHP) in HUD Headquarters.
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) requests qualifications from experienced low-income housing developers to partner with HABC in submitting an application to HUD for the Rental Demonstration Program (RAD). HABC intends to enter an agreement with one or more selected developer(s) selected under this RFQ to jointly redevelop one ore more public housing development(s) under the RAD program or by other means available to HABC under its Moving to Work (“MTW”) authority or otherwise.
HUD Secretary Sean Donovan today announced a major restructuring and reorganization of the Multifamily Programs within U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.
HUD has released several notices recently regarding sequestration and budget impacts on programs including FHA mortgage insurance firm commitments, homeless assistance grant programs, and more.
In a recent speech given at Georgetown University, President Obama recently unveiled his Climate Action Plan, which aims at reducing carbon pollution and tackling climate change. The report is meant to be a blueprint for achieving steady, responsible, national, and international action to slow the effects of climate change in order to achieve a cleaner, more stable environment. In the report, President Obama referenced several initiatives that would have an impact on the multifamily affordable housing community.