HUD Previews New Energy Efficiency Incentives for Affordable Housing Owners

On December 3, 2013 HUD previewed to NH&RA a series of new incentives and policy flexibility for owners of multifamily affordable housing properties that commit to making portfolio wide energy efficiency commitments through the Administration’s Better Buildings Challenge. HUD has developed these incentives to address the market and policy barriers that owners experience in greening their properties. The underlying policy will be issued in a separate and forthcoming Implementation Memo, to be released in FY-2014.

QAP Alabama

AHFA Will Host a 2014 HOME/Housing Credit Application Workshop

Alabama Housing Finance Authority (AHFA) will host a 2014 HOME/Housing Credit Application Workshop for potential applicants on February 18, 2014 in Montgomery.


HUD Memo Outlines Section 236 Prepayment Procedures and Tenant Notification Requirements

As many of the Section 236 mortgages in HUD’s portfolio reach maturity within the next few years, the agency has begun reaching out to owners to try to discourage them from opting out of the program at the mortgage maturity date. HUD believes that opting out of the program would entice owners to significantly raise rents at these 236 properties, impacting many low-income tenants who currently reside there.


Budget Agreement Passes House, Senate; Appropriations Committees Get to Work

The U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate recently reached an agreement on the Continuing Appropriations Resolution of 2014 (H J Res 59), setting top-line spending for fiscal year (FY) 2014 at $1.012 trillion, and $1.014 trillion for FY 2015.


NH&RA’s Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing Issues Federal Energy Policy Recommendations for HUD and Congress

The Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing (CEFAH), an affiliate of the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association, has released a white paper outlining critical recommendations to improve the energy performance of the nation’s affordable housing portfolio. CEFAH will be presenting it recommendations at its Annual Meeting on March 12, 2009 at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida.


Louisiana RAD Workshop

The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) is sponsoring a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Workshop on Thursday, December 12, 2014 at 9:30 AM. The workshop will cover, but is not limited to, a brief overview of the RAD Program, LHC Participation, and recommended ways to utilize 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bonds. LHC strongly recommends that interested developers, consultants, and Louisiana Public Housing Authorities attend this meeting.


Recent Memo from FHA Outlines 3 Changes to Multifamily Transformation Proposal

A recent memo from the Ben Metcalf, Deputy Assistance Secretary for Multifamily Housing at HUD outlines three changes to its transformation plan.


New HUD Region X Regional Administrator

U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan recently announced that President Barack Obama appointed Bill Block as the new HUD Regional Administrator for Region X, which includes the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.


HUD Releases 2014 Difficult Development Areas

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development recently released updated designated Difficult Development Areas (DDA) and Qualified Census Tracts (QCT) for the purposes of the 2014 low-income housing tax credit program.


NH&RA 2013 Fall Developers Forum: Conference Materials Available!

All conference materials, PowerPoint presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from the 2013 Fall Forum are available below under the relevant session titles. Click below to learn more about the topics that were covered at the meeting!


HUD Releases 2013 Year End Processing Schedule for Mixed-Finance Projects

HUD’s Office of Public Housing Investments (OPHI) has released a memo informing stakeholders of the schedule for processing mixed-finance projects intending to close by the end of the 2013 calendar year. Parties wishing to close a mixed-finance project by December 31 must adhere to the submission schedule outlined in the memo.


HUD Announces Section 811 Rental Assistance Awardees

HUD has announced the funding awards for the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program, providing project based rental assistance funds to state housing finance agencies to award and administer to multifamily rental properties.

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