HUD updated the Rental Assistance Demonstration program Project-Based Rental Assistance Quick Reference Guide. The updated guide provides information on continuing Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) programs at PBRA properties.
HUD Office of Public Housing Investments issued a schedule for processing mixed-finance projects intending to close by the end of the 2015 calendar year.
NH&RA members are key development and funding partners in the Choice Neighborhood grants that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded in Atlanta, Kansas City, Memphis, and Sacramento.
Love Funding announced the closing of three loans totaling $8.59 million to refinance the debt on a group of age-restricted, Section 8 apartments in Haslett, Michigan.
HUD released answers to frequently asked questions about a recent notice that outlines a new methodology for completing a multifamily housing utility allowance.
Public housing authorities (PHAs) have more flexibility when setting flat rents that are based on fair market rents (FMR), following HUD’s interim rule PIH-2015-13, which was published September 8, 2015.
FAQs pertaining to the implementation of H 2015-04 (June 22, 2015), which governs methodologies for completing multifamily housing utility allowance analysis. Download
HUD is trying to reduce the time it takes to approve underwriters for Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) and Section 232 lenders. Instead of getting written approval for each underwriter, MAP and Section 232 lenders will now designate a qualified individual as “Chief Underwriter,” and work with this person to designate and approve MAP and/or Section 232 underwriters on staff.
Love Funding announced the closing of a $14.3 million loan to rehabilitate Thorpe Village, a senior apartment community in Sparkill, New York. The property consists of 200 age-restricted units, of which 198 are covered by a Section 8 contract.
HUD has published new HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a revised National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Program FAQ.
HUD proposed a new way to conduct previous participation reviews of prospective multifamily housing and healthcare program participants. The recently proposed rule aims to clarify and simplify the process by which HUD reviews the previous participation of participants.
The HUD Office of Multifamily Southeast Region is now operating under HUD’s new model of consolidated, regional offices. The Regional Center in Atlanta and Regional Satellite Office in Jacksonville hosted kick-off events in celebration of the launch.