HUD Solicits Applications for $30 Million in CNI Implementation Grants

HUD is soliciting applications for the FY2016 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants program. The maximum grant award is $30 million. Applications are due on June 28, 2016.


Upcoming Workshops Aim to Improve Affordable Housing Access to Renewable Energy

HUD is holding a series of three regional workshops to discuss affordable housing and solar. These workshops will help providers and owners understand the tools and resources available via HUD’s RENEW300 initiative.


Utility Allowance Guide for Owners of Affordable Rental Housing

The California Housing Partnership and National Housing Law Project have jointly published a guide to assist owners of affordable housing in understanding the implications of recent changes to federal program utility allowance requirements, and to provide tips for assessing whether utility allowance adjustments can be used as a resource to finance or pay back the […]


HUD Publishes Guide to Preserving Section 236 Properties

All Section 236 loans will mature in the next 3 years and HUD is encouraging all owners and managers of Section 236 projects to take action in 2016 to preserve their properties as affordable housing. A new step-by-step guide to preservation explains key financial issues and guidance.


First-Ever National Housing Trust Fund Allocations Total $174 Million

HUD expects to make individual allocations to States later this spring and anticipates these funds can be drawn upon as early as this summer. The Fund is capitalized through contributions by government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Housing Providers’ Tenant Criminal Record Policies Could Violate Fair Housing

Having a criminal record is not a protected characteristic under the Fair Housing Act, but race is. African Americans and Hispanics are arrested, convicted and incarcerated at rates disproportionate to their share of the general population. Many face significant barriers to securing housing because of their criminal history.


HUD Updates LIHTC Tenant Data to Include 2013

The LIHTC portfolio grew by 481 properties, encompassing 125,876 units, from 2012 to 2013, according to recent data from HUD. The report was a follow-up to last year’s release of Understanding Whom the LIHTC Program Serves: Tenants in LIHTC Units.


HUD Releases FY 2016 Income Limits

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released FY-2016 income limits to be used when setting maximum rental rates for housing financed using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits or Tax-Exempt Bonds, as well as income limits to determine eligibility for HUD-assisted housing programs.


HUD Seeks Strategies to Keep RAD Transactions On Time

Preparing for an unprecedented number of RAD transactions this year, HUD is already seeing requests for extensions to Financing Plan submission deadlines. HUD will host a listening session to discuss incentives or remedies short of revoking CHAPs to keep PHAs on schedule and to mitigate the surge of volume at year-end.


HUD Solicits Comments on AFFH Tool for States and Insular Areas

Over the next 60 days, HUD is soliciting comments on the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Assessment Tool for States and Insular Areas. One of three AFFH Assessment Tools, this tool is to be used where the State is designated as the lead entity.


LIHTC Deal Preserves Low-Income Housing, Creates Workforce Housing

In addition to preserving housing for residents making a little at 30% of area median income, the project includes a unique workforce housing component for residents earning up to 95% of the area median income.


Ask Your Congressmen to Sign-On to Support HOME Funds

The deadlines for Congressmen to sign-in to the letters of support for HOME funds are this Friday, March 11 in the House and March 15 in the Senate.

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