HUD Releases 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report

HUD released its 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report: Part 1: Point-in-Time Estimates, which estimates the number of individuals in shelters, temporary housing and in unsheltered settings through Point-in-Time (PIT) counts.


HUD Notice Eliminates Assurance of Completion on a Section 223(f) with New LIHTC

A new Mortgagee Letter (2023-24) eliminates the ten percent assurance of completion to be added to the Escrow Agreement for Deferred Repairs for 223(f) projects with LIHTC


HUD Launches Free Energy and Water Benchmarking Service for HUD-Assisted Multifamily Properties

HUD is making its Energy and Water Benchmarking Service available for properties participating in its Multifamily project-based rental assistance programs.


HUD Publishes 2024 OCAFs; National Rate of 5.3 Percent

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published the operating cost adjustment factors (OCAFs) for eligible multifamily housing properties with an anniversary date on or after Feb. 11, 2024.


HUD Publishes Draft Notice of Processing Budget-Based Rent Increases

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs published a draft housing notice clarifying the circumstances under which HUD will approve a budget-based rent increase for projects subject to Low Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act (LIHPRHA) Use Agreements.


HUD Announces Proposed “30-Day Notice” Rule for Nonpayment of Rent

A new HUD Proposed Rule would require public housing agencies (PHA) with tenants in public housing and owners of properties participating in HUD Multifamily project-based rental assistance programs to provide their tenants with written notification at least 30 days prior to filing for eviction due to nonpayment of rent in court.


HUD Publishes Notice for Green Mortgage Insurance Premium Reporting

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs and Office of Residential Care Facilities published a Housing Notice titled Required Use of Portfolio Manager for Green Mortgage Insurance Premium Compliance Reporting,


HUD, HHS Unveil Health-Focused Housing Efforts

The Biden-Harris administration released a new resource to help take action to address homelessness, The U.S. Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health.


HUD Streamlines Enrollment Process for Affordable Connectivity Program

HUD announced a new data-sharing agreement with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to support access to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) by reducing barriers to enrollment.


HUD Publishes Build America, Buy America Guidance

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) issued Notice CPD-23-12 providing implementation guidance for Build America, Buy America (BABA) domestic sourcing requirements for CPD programs, including the HOME Investment Partnerships program and Housing Trust Fund.

General News

Apply for 2024 ACHP/HUD Excellence in Historic Preservation Award

HUD and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) announced that interested parties can apply for the 2024 ACHP/HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation award.


HUD Submits 2023 Worst Cast Housing Needs Report to Congress

HUD’s Office of Policy and Development Research submitted its Worst Case Housing Needs 2023 Report to Congress, showing that worst-case housing needs reached a record high of 8.53 million renter households in 2021.

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