The limits determine eligibility for assisted housing programs including Public Housing, Sec. 8 project-based, Sec. 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Sec. 202, and Sec. 811.
GAO makes five recommendations in the report, all of which HUD agreed with. The recommendations all relate to either improving leveraging metrics, monitoring enforcement of resident safeguards, and RAD compliance monitoring.
Opportunity Zones will provide a resource similar to the gap funding from the HOME program but “on steroids”, explains Carson.
Congressional leadership is anticipating a release of the omnibus language later today with potential for a House vote on Thursday.
The MAP Guide enumerates securities for an equity bridge loan as a pledge of tax credits and/or limited partners’ or investors members’ interests in the project’s ownership entity. Questions subsequently arose as to whether a pledge of the general partner’s interest could also secure an equity bridge loan.
HUD recently rolled out System Release 2.2 and a revised assessment tool. These changes were based on user feedback and include missing flag notes.
Eight areas were revised due to new survey data.
Proposals must be received by BMC no later than 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4, 2018. Successful applicants may be eligible for scoring incentives in the upcoming 2018 competitive round of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) awards.
Six communities across the country have been awarded a total of almost $5 million from HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. The grants allow local leaders flexibility in executing their own comprehensive plans for community revitalization. Developer partners involved with the awards include NH&RA Members Telesis (Cleveland) and Pennrose (Philadelphia).
Owners will be able to sign up for individual 30-minute sessions with HUD staff during designated times each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST.
The cut to the Department’s budget means proposed elimination for several programs, while a select few programs are kept at level or awarded increased funding. While Congress will not take the numbers to heart, a rent hike or work requirements for able-bodied families receiving rental assistance is possible.
The January 2018 edition of RADTalk, HUD’s RAD Newsletter, is celebrating $5 billion of construction activity for 2017. Furthermore, the recent issues also takes a deep dive into RAD Mod Rehab transactions.