HUD has announced it will be extending its Multifamily risk-sharing initiative with the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) for eligible Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) through December 31, 2018. The initiative was originally scheduled to cease accepting new applications for commitments from HFAs on September 30, 2018, but will now accept new applications for commitments under this […]
On September 25, 2018 Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), introduced the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2018 which would dramatically expand funding for the for affordable housing. The measure aims to use federal funding as leverage to build up to 3.2 million new housing units for lower-income and middle-class families – bringing down rents […]
NH&RA congratulates the US Department of Housing & Urban Development and on achieving an important milestone — the conversion and preservation of 100,000 public housing units through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program! HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Assistant Secretary for Housing Brian Montgomery, and Multifamily Office of Recapitalization Director Tom Davis were joined by the Housing Authority of the City of Austin and additional officials in Austin, Texas, to celebrate this momentous occasion.
On Monday, September 10, HUD launched a variety of enhancements to the RAD Resource Desk to allow users to more easily manage their RAD transactions.
In the leadership message, director of PD&R’s Housing and Demographic Analysis Division Shawn Bucholtz discusses the release of the 2017 American Housing Survey (AHS) data.
On September 6, the tenth anniversary of the federal government’s takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, retiring House Financial Services Committee chair Jim Hensarling (R-TX) released a discussion draft for the Bipartisan Housing Finance Reform Act. The measure is co-sponsored by Reps. John Delaney (D-MD) and Jim Himes (D-NY) and would eliminate Fannie Mae […]
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development issued an Audit Report on August 31, 2018 entitled “REAC Could Improve Its Inspections Processes and Controls.” The objective of the auduit was to determine whether REAC had adequate processes for and controls over the certification and monitoring of contracted […]
HUD has announced that Tony Ramirez, a 20-year HUD veteran who has served the past 14 years as director of HUD’s Reno, Nevada field office, will serve as the new Oregon Field Office Director.
HUD has issued a notice updating the FY 2019 FMRs. It also enumerates the procedures for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and other interested parties to request reevaluations of their FMRs, as required by HOTMA. To help inform PHAs’ decisions concerning reevaluation requests, this notice briefly addresses HUD’s May 30, 2018 notice regarding the use of […]
A lawsuit by not for profit fair housing advocacy groups against HUD to reinstate an assessment tool for local governments to measure progress in meeting Fair Housing requirements was dismissed in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia on Friday, August 17, at the request of cabinet department.
Due to last week’s release of the Developer fee worksheet and its applicability to current open Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA), the California Department of Housing and Community Development is extending the deadlines for National Housing Trust Fund Program (NHTF) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) application deadlines as follows: For NHTF Applicants: New application […]
The notice poses 8 questions that HUD is specifically interested in hearing about from stakeholders as it determines how to streamline and enhance Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulations.