The Biden-Harris administration announced new actions to boost housing supply and lower housing costs, including an indefinite expansion of the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) Risk-Sharing program.
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs published Housing Notice 2024-05, which allows budget-based rent adjustments (BBRA) for Section 8 project-based rental assistance housing assistance payment contracts at properties subject to a M2M Use Agreement.
HUD published a revised HOTMA Implementation Notice (Notice H 2023-10) that now includes information to address the asset limitation found in Section 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016.
HUD has awarded just over $295 million during the first four of the 12 GRRP funding rounds.
HUD Recap is hosting a listening session on January 24 at 12:00 p.m. ET. The facilitated listening session is part of the Closing and Post-Closing team’s ongoing process evaluation efforts.
Last week, the House Financial Services Committee held an Oversight Hearing with HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge. The meeting centered around the rise of housing supply, unaffordability, homelessness and the conditions of public housing.
A new HUD notice sets an absolute annual cap of ten percent on income limit increases for housing financed by LIHTCs, private-activity bonds (PABs) and for various HUD programs, including Section 8.
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs published a Housing Notice titled Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Supplemental – Notice A to add flexibility in both grant and supplemental loan funds, as well as other administrative changes, that will enhance owners’ and developers’ ability to leverage GRRP funds for energy efficiency and climate resilience upgrades and rehabilitation projects.
HUD recently issued PIH Notice 2024-01 providing guidance to PHAs regarding the Buy America Preference (BAP) requirement of the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA).
HUD announced that it is awarding $173.9 million in new loans and grants under the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program’s (GRRP) Comprehensive and Elements categories.
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), in partnership with HUD, recognizes developers, organizations, and agencies for their success in advancing the goals of historic preservation through the Secretary’s Award for Excellence in historic preservation.
HUD is extending the deadline for applications for wave three of the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) Elements cohort from January 4 to March 28, 2024.