In a new Issue Brief Vincent Reina, PhD with the University of Pennsylvania argues for a national housing policy in the face of unprecedented housing challenges. This Issue Brief lays out several policy prescriptions for improving housing affordability and fairness, both for renters and owners: modifying the federal Housing Choice Voucher program, as well as […]
New research from Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren and Lawrence Katz examines the effect of the Moving to Opportunity (MTO) experiment on children’s long-term outcomes. Their estimates imply that moving a child out of public housing to a low-poverty area when young (at age eight on average) using a subsidized voucher like the MTO experimental voucher […]
President Trump officially nominated Brian Montgomery to be deputy secretary of HUD. Montgomery has served as acting deputy secretary since the former Deputy Secretary, Pamela Patenaude, left in January of this year. Montgomery has also been serving as assistant secretary for Housing and Commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration.
Last week HUD submitted its report on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Partnership Challenges and Opportunities at the Local, State, and Federal Level to the House and Senate Appropriations committees. The report identifies the following challenges and opportunities to building partnerships with local organizations.
HUD designated Difficult Development Areas (DDAs) and Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) for 2020. DDAs are areas with high land, construction and utility costs relative to the area median income and are based on Fair Market Rents, income limits, the 2010 census counts, and five-year American Community Survey (ACS) data. QCTs are areas where either 50 […]
Last week the House passed a continuing resolution (CR) that would fund the government through November 21, 2019, averting a government shutdown as Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 comes to a close. The measure (H.R. 4378) passed the House with a veto-proof majority vote of 301-123. The Senate is expected to pass the measure and the President is expected to sign the bill before the end of the fiscal year.
HUD published the FY 2020 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) here. The FY 2020 FMRs will be effective October 1, 2019, unless there is a request for reevaluation by September 30, 2019. The Federal Register notice contains the procedures for such reevaluation requests. These FMRs are used in the Housing Choice Voucher, the Moderate Rehabilitation Single […]
HUD is offering hands-on group learning and individualized technical assistance (TA) to multifamily assisted housing owners and management agents to help implement Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) programs. The TA will include coaching, education and hands-on guidance from an expert in FSS program implementation over a nine-month period. This TA will help housing providers successfully develop the program framework, access needed resources and launch their FSS programs.
Donald “DJ” LaVoy was sworn in on September 17 as deputy under secretary for Rural Development at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. DJ most recently served as the head of HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center. The under secretary for Rural Development position, eliminated by USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue and reinstated by Section 12407 of the […]
The New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority released the Draft 2020 Action Plan for the use and distribution of HUD block grants, including Community Development Block Grants, HOME Investment Partnerships, National Housing Trust Fund and Emergency Solutions Grants. Public comments should be submitted by September 30, 2019.
Yesterday the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies (T-HUD) favorably reported its FY 2020 funding bill to the full committee. The full Senate Appropriations Committee will hold a hearing on the bill at 10:30 am EDT on September 19 in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 106 and via webcast.
As of publication, the T-HUD bill has yet to be released. Overall the subcommittee received a 302(b) allocation of $74.3 billion, $3.2 billion above the FY 2019 enacted levels. HUD received $56.0 billion in total budgetary resources, which is offset by $7.4 billion in receipts from the Federal Housing Agency/Ginnie Mae for a net funding level of $48.6 billion, an increase of $2.3 billion above the FY 2019 enacted level.
HUD released a proposed rule that would revise HUD regulations by implementing sections 102, 103 and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA S. 3083/H.R. 3700 of the 114th Congress). These sections make sweeping changes to the United States Housing Act of 1937, particularly those affecting income calculation and reviews. Comments are due by November 18.