Comments on HUD’s Mark-to-Market Proposed Rule Due Sept. 14

HUD released a proposed rule on rent adjustments in its Mark-to-Market Program, which would revise the Mark-to-Market program regulations to clarify that all annual rent adjustments for projects subject to a restructuring plan are by application of an operating cost adjustment factor established by HUD. Comments are due by September 14.

QAP Maryland

Applications Due Aug. 7 for Baltimore Regional Project-Based Voucher Program

The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is seeking qualified and experienced developers to apply for affordable housing subsidies for new construction, substantial rehabilitation or existing housing through the Baltimore Regional Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program.

QAP Maryland

Maryland Offers $30 Million in COVID-19 Rental Assistance

Governor Larry Hogan (R) announced a $30 million rental assistance program to prevent evictions and help Marylanders affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The State’s allocation of $20 million in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) COVID funding will be deployed across local jurisdictions in Maryland to provide further support for local eviction prevention programs.


Sign-On Letter Urging HUD to Postpone REAC Inspections through 2020

NH&RA is leading a sign-on letter urging HUD to extend the current moratorium on Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) inspections for all Multifamily programs through the end of 2020, except where there is a documented threat to health and safety at a property. The letter also requests that HUD waive the 14-day property specific scheduling notice and permit a 30-day scheduling notification. Click


House Appropriations Committee Advances FY 2021 HUD Funding

Yesterday, the full House Committee on Appropriations voted along party lines to approve the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies (T-HUD) bill. A summary of the HUD provisions can be found here. The full committee added the and amendment that allows certain CDBG-DR grantees to request relief from recaptures for overpayments.


New HUD Guidance for Property Owners and FHA Borrowers

The eviction moratorium for HUD-assisted multifamily properties authorized by the CARES Act will expire on July 24. Last week, HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing published guidance for multifamily property owners on promoting housing stability during the pandemic. Separately, HUD published Notice H 2020-7, Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Eviction Moratorium that extends […]


HUD’s OAMPO Issues Guidance on Processing Special Claims for Vacancy

HUD’s Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight (OAMPO) has issued a memo providing instructions for processing special claims for vacancy for properties affected by COVID-19. This memo expands the applicability to properties being developed under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. For properties undergoing initial rent-up the 60 days starts as of the date of the permission to occupy the unit or the effective date of the contract, whichever is later.


Audited Financial Reporting Deadline Extended to Sept. 30 for HUD’s Multifamily West Region

HUD’s Multifamily West Region is extending the audited financial reporting deadlines until September 30, 2020. This waiver is limited to entities, which are required to submit the referenced annual financial information on or before June 30, 2020.


HUD’s Health@Home Webinar Series – Summer and Fall 2020

The Health@Home webinar series consists of four webinars that provide affordable housing rehabilitation specialists and program managers with information on integrating healthy housing techniques into their rehabilitation projects and best practices from practitioners who have successfully implemented these techniques.


Research Finds Positive Outcomes for Residents in RAD Converted Properties

In a recent issue of Health Affairs focusing on investments in social determinants of health, a new study examined how renovations of a property in Queens, NY that converted through RAD may improve the health of public housing residents.

HUD released the full report, “Examining the Effects of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) on Children Living in Public Housing in Fresno, California,” which assessed outcomes and the well-being of children living in developments that have undergone rehab and conversion under RAD.

QAP Alabama

Comments Due August 20 on Alabama’s 2021 QAP, HOME Action Plan and National Housing Trust Fund Plan; Public Hearing July 21

The Alabama Housing Finance Authority will hold a public hearing at 9:00 am CT on July 21 concerning the proposed 2021 HOME Action Plan, the Housing Credit Qualified Allocation Plan and the National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan (Plans) for the distribution of HOME funds, Housing Credits and National Housing Trust Funds in exchange for the new construction and substantial rehabilitation of low-income projects and for the monitoring of HOME, Housing Credits and National Housing Trust Funds for all projects. The hearing will be held at the Riverwalk Stadium located at 200 Coosa Street, Montgomery, AL, 36104.

QAP Alabama

Comments Due August 20 on Alabama’s 2020 HOME Action Plan Amendment, Public Hearing July 21

The Alabama Housing Finance Authority will hold a public hearing at 9:00 am CT on July 21 concerning the proposed Substantial Amendment to the HUD Approved 2020 HOME Action Plan for the distribution of HOME funds in exchange for new construction of low-income projects and for the monitoring of HOME projects. The hearing will be held at the Riverwalk Stadium located at 200 Coosa Street, Montgomery, AL, 36104.

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