HUD to Resume REAC Inspections in October

HUD announced that it will begin Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) inspections of HUD multifamily and public housing properties and units later this year. REAC will prioritize inspections in states and localities based on the latest COVID-19 data from Johns Hopkins University and health risk scoring methodology from the Harvard Global Health Institute.

QAP Maryland

Maryland Posts 2020 LIHTC Income and Rent Limits, FAQ and Updated Application Documents

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) posted the 2020 LIHTC Program Income and Rent Limits. DHCD also updated the FAQ document for the 2020 competitive funding round.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Awards $60,822,101 to Build and Preserve 802 Affordable Homes

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced funding awards of $60,822,101 worth of grants and tax credits to build and preserve 802 homes through the federal nine percent LIHTC, HOME and General Housing Account Program (GHAP) resources. The Oregon Housing Stability Council recently approved the developments listed below; full details can be found here.


HUD Updates Multifamily Q&A Document

On July 31, HUD issued its first update of its Q&A for Multifamily Housing programs since May 21. HUD’s Q&A document relays HUD’s guidance on operational and procedural questions related to the safe administration of HUD-assisted programs during COVID-19. 


House Passes FY 2021 HUD Appropriations

Last week the House passed H.R. 7617, which provides fiscal year (FY) 2021 funding for six appropriations subcommittees, including HUD. The House bill is expected to provide adequate appropriations to renew existing Housing Choice Vouchers and Project-Based Rental Assistance, and provides increases for most programs, including the Community Development Block Grants, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Section 202 and Section 811, which would also receive additional funding through emergency infrastructure investments. The bill also contains two amendments that would block the Trump Administration’s recent regulatory action on the Disparate Impact Rule and the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH).


HUD Releases New NSPIRE Inspection Standards

HUD released a fully updated set of NSPIRE Inspection Standards, version 1.3, which improves technical accuracy, relevance, clarity and better defines the applicability to HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher program. HUD welcomes public comments on all aspects of the standards. Feedback on the revised list of standards can be submitted here.


HUD Releases Post-Conversion Processing Guide

HUD has posted to the RAD Resource Desk a new “Post-Conversion Approval Processing Guide,” which provides information to Owners and PHAs on how to process post-closing issues that may arise after RAD conversion, some of which require HUD approval.


HUD HEROS Webinar on June 6

HUD Office of Environment and Energy will hold a webinar on its Environmental Review Online System at 1:00 pm ET on August 6. The webinar will quiz participants on frequently asked questions regarding the HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) that users have submitted through the HUD Exchange Ask A Question portal, field offices, and other various outlets.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Posts BGF FAQ, CDBG-DR Comments Due August 9

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) updated its Bond Gap Financing (BGF) Frequently Asked Questions document. OHFA also released is draft program year 2020 Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Action Plan for comment. Comments should be submitted to by August 9.


$224 Million in HUD Funding Available as COVID-19 Supplemental Payments

HUD is making available $224 million of CARES Act funds available to offset property expenditures to combat the effects of COVID-19. The supplemental payments may cover additional cleaning and disinfecting, additional staff, face coverings and other expenses to help keep properties safe for residents. Requests are due to HUD or the Contract Administrator by August 5, 2020.


HUD Terminates Obama Administration AFFH Rule

HUD released a new final rule, Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice, which would replace the Obama Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. Under the new rule, a federal grantee would be required to certify that it has affirmatively furthered fair housing. The final rule has yet to be officially published in the Federal Register. Comments are due 30 days after publication.


Senate Confirms Wade as FHA Commissioner

The Senate voted 57-40 to confirm Dana Wade to be the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) commissioner and assistant secretary at HUD. Wade is succeeding acting FHA Commissioner Len Wolfson, who took over when former Commissioner Brian Montgomery was confirmed as deputy secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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