Low-Income Housing Coalition Publishes National Income-Rent Report

The National Low-Income Housing Coalition has published its annual “Out of Reach” report, which provides a side-by-side comparison of wages and rents in every county, Metropolitan Area, combined nonmetropolitan area and state in the United States.


HUD Updates Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide

On April 13, 2009, Brian Montgomery, Assistant Secretary for Housing ““ Federal Housing Commissioner, authorized the release of a new set of page changes to the Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide.


HUD Releases Results of Supportive Housing Study

Conducted by HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research, Multifamily Property Managers’ Satisfaction with Service Coordination explores property managers’ satisfaction with supportive services provided to 348,000 low-income elderly and non-elderly persons with disabilities.


HUD Updates Fair Market Rents for New Orleans

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has updated the FY 2009 Fair Market Rents to be used for FMRs for New Orleans, LA and Pearl River, MS for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program.


Boston HA CEO Named HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing

President Barack Obama has announced his intention to nominate Sandra Henriquez as Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


HUD Updates Multifamily Mortgage Limits

n accordance with section 206A of the National Housing Act, HUD has adjusted the basic statutory mortgage limits for multifamily housing programs for calendar year 2009.


HUD Issues 2009 HOME Rent and Income Limits

The 2009 HOME rent and income limits have been published and are effective April 27, 2009.


HUD Secretary Indicates Support for Affordable Housing Preservation

At a recent speech before the National Housing Conference HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan expressed the Obama Administration’s renewed support for affordable housing preservation.


NCAHMA Posts Presentations From 2009 Public Policy & Market Study Forum: Affordable Housing In The ‘Stimulated’ Economy

The National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts has made available the PowerPoint Presentations and handouts presented during the 2009 Public Policy & Market Study Forum: Affordable Housing In The ‘Stimulated’ Economy.


HUD Issues New Multifamily Mortgage Limits

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has published the latest annual indexed loan limits for its multifamily mortgage insurance programs, including Section 221(d)(3) and others.


L.A. Housing Department General Manager to Deliver Keynote At NH&RA California Event

We are pleased to announce that Mercedes Márquez, General Manager, Los Angeles Housing Department will be delivering the Luncheon Address for the 2009 Spring Developers Forum, May 11-12 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Los Angeles, California.


HUD Issues Homelessness Prevention Program Guidelines

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a notice that identifies the recipients, allocation amounts, and requirements for the new Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) established by the economic stimulus act.

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