HUD Updates Workbook to Determine Eligibility for RAD/Section 18 Construction Blend, OZ Rent Boost

HUD updated a workbook that allows public housing authorities (PHAs) to assess the eligibility of a proposed rehabilitation of a property for a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)/Section 18 construction blend or an opportunity zones (OZ) rent boost.


HUD Hosts NSPIRE Get Ready Session – Nov. 21

HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) is hosting a NSPIRE Get Ready industry session.


HUD Announces $148 Million Available for COVID-19 Expenses in Assisted Multifamily Properties

HUD announced a new application period for COVID-19 Supplemental Payment (CSP) funding.


HUD Seeks Feedback on Potential Changes to How Section 811, 202 Properties Convert Under RAD

HUD is seeking feedback on potential changes to the current notice that guides how properties assisted under the Section 811 assisted housing program for persons with disabilities can be converted through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program.


HUD Designates DDAs, QCTs for 2023

HUD published a Federal Register notice designating 2023 difficult development areas (DDAs) and qualified census tracts (QCTs).


The Hill: The U.S. Has an Affordable Housing Shortage. Here’s What Congress Can Do To Fix It

In an Op-Ed in The Hill, Rachel Fee with the New York Housing Conference calls on Congress to exempt affordable housing from private activity bond cap. “By ex


Secretaries Fudge and Yellen Tout President Biden’s Plan to Boost Affordable Housing

An op-ed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and U.S. HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge calls President Biden’s plan to boost affordable housing both unprecedented and necessary.


HUD Releases Guide on Increasing Supply of New Affordable Housing

A new guide from HUD, Increasing the Supply of New Affordable Housing: Quick Guide to Using HUD’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs, details funding sources available for affordable housing and provides case studies.


RAD Achieves $15 Billion in Construction Investment Milestone

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs announced that construction investment for affordable housing preservation through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program has surpassed $15 billion since the program’s inception in 2013.


HUD Hosts Climate Resources Webinar – Nov. 1

HUD will host a webinar from 1 to 2 p.m. ET on November 1 to introduce the Community Resilience Toolkit and the Climate Resilience Implementation Guides. The guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement specific resilience projects and programs to address climate hazards using Community Planning and Development (CPD) and other funding.


HUD Hosts Affordable Housing Development for Newer Nonprofits Webinar – Nov. 9

From noon to 1 p.m. ET on November 9 HUD will host a webinar aimed at newer nonprofits interested in developing affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income households.


Comments on HUD’s Design of New Green and Resilient Retrofit Program for Multifamily Assisted Housing Properties RFI Due Oct. 27

In response to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, HUD is currently designing a new program, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP), and expects to make multiple rounds of funding available to support energy, water efficiency retrofits and climate resilience of HUD-assisted multifamily properties.

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