HUD has released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for $5,000,000 in FY 2012 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Planning Grants.
HUD is revising the Actual Modernization Cost Certificate (AMCC) contained within the Public Housing Capital Fund Program, and is soliciting comments from the public regarding proposed changes to the program.
HUD’s Office of Policy Research & Development has released its U.S. Housing Market Conditions Report for the 4th Quarter of 2011. The report is a compilation of statistical data and written reports. Tabular data indicate market conditions on the national level and are presented for each quarter.
NH&RA is pleased to offer the PowerPoint Presentations from our recent 2011 Annual Meeting & New Markets Tax Credit Symposium, which was held February 22-26 at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Fla. In addition, we have included additional conference materials, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. under the relevant session titles.
The Tuesday, February 14 Federal Register included a notice that HUD is creating the Capture Energy Efficiency Measures for PIH (CEEMP) data system to track the amount and types of Energy Conservation Measures being implemented within Public and Indian units.
The IRS recently issued Notice 2012-18 to clarify rules relating to compliance monitoring and physical inspection requirements under the Rental Policy Working Group’s (RPWG) Physical Inspections Pilot Program. This program hopes to achieve a more coordinated effort for conducting physical inspections at properties that benefit from multiple sources of Federal funding with different inspection protocol
In a preview of the Administration’s FY-2013 Budget (to be released on February 13), the Obama Administration has announced as part of its “Plan to Help Responsible Homeowners and Heal the Housing Market” that his budget will call for $1 billion to capitalize the federal rental housing trust fund.
The Disaster Housing Assistance Program Ike (DHAP- Ike) recently expired with 3,500 households still enrolled in the program. To provide additional time for families to transition, HUD recently announced that it would provide $28 million to convert eligible families that were displaced by Hurricanes Ike and Gustav in 2008 to the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.
HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PDR) has published a new report that examines redistribution of 2012 CDBG Program funding as a result of the program now relying on the American Community Survey (ACS) data and 2012 Census population counts.
HUD has issued a final policy stating that eligibility for its programs has been extended to protect individuals from housing discrimination based on sexual orientation.
HUD recently issued a NOFA for nearly $110 million in FY 2012 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Implementation Grants. HUD executives will host a call to discuss the 2012 funding round on Monday, February 6 at 2:15 pm EST.
For the last month, Congress has considered an appropriations minibus, H.R. 2112, to incorporate Fiscal Year 2012 spending bills for the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and related programs. On November 14, a House-Senate conference committee approved a compromise minibus measure in the form of a conference report.