Green/Sustainable Housing

Valuing the Financial Benefits of Energy Efficiency in the Multifamily Sector

This paper focuses on how efficiency upgrades affect the financial performance of multifamily buildings. It also provides a replicable methodology for similar research to be carried out on Elevate Energy’s growing portfolio as well as other multifamily buildings nation-wide. Increasing the energy efficiency of multifamily buildings not only helps owners improve building operation, but also […]


Elevate Energy Offers Free Affordable Housing Energy Baselining Services

Elevate Energy has joined forces with New Ecology to help affordable housing property owners and managers to reduce their property’s energy costs. They are offering free baselining services to multifamily affordable housing properties in Illinois, Missouri, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania, along with the Richmond, VA, Metro area.

Green Tax Incentive Compendium: Federal and State Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

This volume presents certain federal and state tax incentives promoting the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Each section outlines the basic features and regulatory requirements for a tax program which provides financial incentives for clean technology development through renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Download

2014 City of Chicago Building Energy Benchmarking Report

As an economic hub, a global destination, a great place to live, and a leader on environmental sustainability, Chicago is defining what it means to be a world-class city. Chicago’s 500,000 buildings are vibrant connections to the city’s history, and these buildings house the activities that are carrying Chicago forward into the 21st century. The […]

Net Zero and Living Building Challenge Financial Study: A Cost Comparison Report for Buildings in the District of Columbia

The District of Columbia Department of the Environment have released the findings of a recent study detailing how the District, already home to more green buildings per capita than other large cities, can best craft policy and create incentives to build zero energy, zero water and Living Buildings™. The study, Net Zero and Living Building […]

Making Your Mark

Most operational tasks at multifamily communities strive to maximize efficiency in order to increase the bottom line. The web-based revolution in the past 10 to 15 years has helped these businesses to streamline their operations and as that technology evolves, companies are taking a closer look at, and improving, the ways they are spending money […]

A Guide to Green Purchasing for Multifamily Housing

In order to improve building operations and contain and reduce costs, a purchasing strategy or policy should be part of any building operation and maintenance plan. One of the first steps in establishing a purchasing program is to create a green purchasing policy. A purchasing policy sets the purchasing objectives for the organization, establishes criteria, […]

Making Your Mark

Most operational tasks at multifamily communities strive to maximize efficiency in order to increase the bottom line. The web-based revolution in the past 10 to 15 years has helped these businesses to streamline their operations and as that technology evolves, companies are taking a closer look at, and improving, the ways they are spending money […]

A Glossary of Energy Efficiency Financing Tools

A Glossary of Energy Efficiency Financing Tools Download

Show Me the Money: Energy Efficiency Financing Barriers and Opportunities

This paper briefly characterizes energy efficiency market sectors; describes the major players in the energy efficiency financing market; describes the key barriers facing each market sector; reviews primary internal and external financing strategies used by each market sector; summarizes our investor discussions; and offers conclusions and recommendations for catalyzing large-scale deployment of capital to the […]

Removing First-Cost Hurdles for Energy Efficiency

This paper provides policy makers, regulators and private sector firms engaged in the design and implementation of efficiency programs with a series of innovative financing options that can be used to achieve comprehensive energy savings across a broad spectrum of residential, commercial and industrial market segments. Download

Setting the PACE: Financing Commercial Retrofits

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) finance is a new and growing municipal approach to support energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades in commercial buildings in the United States. As of February 2013, there were 16 commercial PACE programs accepting applications to finance building efficiency projects. Most of these have been active for less than a […]

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