Green/Sustainable Housing

Potential for Energy Savings in Affordable Multifamily Housing

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), National Housing Trust (NHT), Energy Foundation, Elevate Energy, and New Ecology are conducting a multistate and multiyear Energy Efficiency for All affordable multifamily housing efficiency project with the goal of cost effectively reducing energy consumption as a means of maintaining housing affordability, creating healthier and more comfortable living environments […]


EPA Helps HUD Incorporate Water Efficiency Into Programs

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense program is launching Water Wednesdays. The project intends to help HUD project officers and HUD grantees incorporate water efficiency into their programs and projects.


Congress Passes Energy Efficiency Bill

Congress passed a bill that will implement new measures to encourage building owners and tenants to use more cost-effective energy efficiency and water efficiency measures. The bill is a more modest version of a larger efficiency bill sponsored by Senators Portman and Shaheen.

Summerhill PTEE Research Report

NH&RA engaged Summerhill, an international energy efficiency research and marketing firm, to conduct follow-up surveys with attendees from the first four Preservation Through Energy Efficiency Road Shows. Through written surveys and follow-up interviews, Summerhill analyzed the efficacy of the Road Shows, identified the steps participants have taken following the events and provided insight into the […]

Beyond the CFL: Winning Imagery for Energy Efficiency

Public opinion research demonstrates widespread support for energy efficiency among Americans. Yet, research also shows that in the context of broader energy issues, energy efficiency emerges as a relatively low priority compared to energy sources like wind, solar, natural gas and more. Those working to advance energy efficiency policies and practices have struggled to capitalize […]

Saving Energy in Existing Multifamily Buildings

This presentation explored challenges and opportunities in achieving energy savings in multifamily buildings from an “on the ground” perspective. Using case studies and examples from recent CEE research and energy-efficiency programs, this presentation provides an overview of technologies and strategies that have proven to be effective and marketable energy-efficiency measures in Minnesota multifamily buildings, including: […]


Legislation Seeks to Improve Energy Efficiency for Government-Assisted Housing

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced a bill to encourage energy efficiency in housing that is subsidized by the federal government. The Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015 (S. 720) authorizes the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s pay-for-success (PFS) demonstration to improve the energy efficiency of government-supported multifamily properties.


Leaders of Affordable Housing Convene at NH&RA Annual Meeting

Representatives from more than 100 of the nation’s top affordable housing organizations gathered at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, FL, last week for the 2015 NH&RA Annual Meeting. The event’s panel sessions created dialogues on what’s challenging – and exciting – affordable housing developers, illuminated the products and people who will shape the tax credit transactions in upcoming year, offered options to properties approaching year 15, and surveyed key changes to tax credit programs and legislation.

Rooftop solar finds out utilities can disrupt, too

The article below points out how the utilities are fighting the solar industry by increasing their demand charges to compensate for customers generating their own power from solar. As some states and utilities define the rules of the game other states will follow suit. It also mentions how the regulations being in a state of […]


Six Multifamily Housing Authorities and Owners Join Better Buildings Challenge

President Obama’s Better Buildings Challenge welcomed six new multifamily housing authority and owners. AHEAD, Inc (Littleton, NH), Gragg Cardona Partners (Washington, DC), Housing Authority of the Birmingham District (Birmingham, AL), Newark Housing Authority (Newark, NJ), The DeBruler Co. (Libertyville, IL), and Windsor Locks Housing Authority (Windsor Locks, CT) all announced they are joining the Challenge.


HUD and California Expand Financing for Energy Efficiency in Multifamily Housing

U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro and California Governor Jerry Brown announced a plan to expand financing for energy efficiency and solar energy in multifamily housing. Their plan includes unlocking property-assessed clean energy (PACE) financing for multifamily housing in California, establishing the California Master-Metered Multifamily Finance Pilot Project, and engaging philanthropy and the financial sector in supporting renewable energy in affordable housing.


Colorado Implements Energy Consumption Model for LIHTC Property Utility Allowances

Owners of Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties in Colorado now have the option of basing utility allowances on energy, water, and sewage consumption.

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