Green/Sustainable Housing


HUD Announces Appointment of Senior Advisor for Sustainable Housing and Communities

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced that Shelley Poticha has been appointed Senior Advisor for Sustainable Housing and Communities. HUD is working with Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) on legislation that seeks to create the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities at HUD. Poticha will direct the office if the bill becomes law.


HUD Secretary Delivers Speech on Energy Efficient Development; Delivers Details On HOPE VI Successor Program

U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan delivered the Keynote Address at HUD’s 2009 HOPE VI Green Building and Energy Efficient Development Conference on June 25 in Washington, DC.

NH&RA News

Donovan Offers Testimony at House Financial Services Committee Hearing on Preservation

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Financial Services Committee convened for a public hearing on June 25 to discuss issues and receive testimony from HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan related to proposed legislative options for preserving federally- and state-assisted affordable housing and preventing displacement of low-income, elderly and disabled tenants.


HUD, DOT, EPA Announce Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities

Leaders of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency collectively announced a joint Partnership for Sustainable Communities to help improve access to affordable housing, create more transportation options, and lower transportation costs while also improving the energy efficiency of communities nationwide.


Wisconsin Announces Multifamily Weatherization Program

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle has announced that funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be used for a new program to weatherize large, multifamily buildings. The new program aims to weatherize approximately 3,000 units in apartment buildings across the state over the next two years, reducing energy use and creating jobs.


IRS Issues Notice on Utility Allowances and Sub-Metering

The Internal Revenue Service has issued a new notice that allows for the use of a utility allowance for rent-restricted units in a low-income housing tax credit project where utility sub-metering is used, and lays out the conditions that must be met for this treatment to apply. The new guidance, in Notice 2009-44, clarifies and is retroactive to the effective date of the final utility allowance regulation published on July 29, 2008.


DOE to Host Public Meeting on Weatherization Assistance Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

The Department of Energy (DOE) has scheduled a public meeting for June 18th to receive comments on its proposal to amend the eligibility provisions under the Weatherization Assistance Program for certain HUD assisted and Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties.


HUD/DOE Issue Memorandum Of Understanding To Allow Assisted & Public Housing to Utilize Weatherization Funds

HUD and the Department of Energy have issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)that outlines a path by which LIHTC Projects, HUD Assisted Housing and Public Housing can utilize Weatherization Assistance Program funds.


IRS Releases Guidance on Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Notice 2009-52, which describes the procedures taxpayers must follow in order to make the election to receive the energy investment tax credit (IRC Section 48) instead of the production tax credit (IRC Section 45).


Presentations from 2009 Spring Developers Forum Now Available

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association has made available the PowerPoint presentations displayed during the recent 2009 Spring Developers Forum: A Time of Opportunity, held May 11-12, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California.

NH&RA News

HUD Issues Notice on Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released Notice H 09-02, which provides guidance on the Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing (GRP), created under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The notice provides details on program implementation, the application process, eligible projects and the approval and allocation process.

NH&RA News

JUST UPDATED! Order Your NH&RA Green & Sustainable Development Resource CD-ROM Today!

NH&RA has recently updated its Digital Green & Sustainable Development Resource CD-ROM to include additional recordings and digital resources. This CD-ROM includes select session recordings and supporting materials including PowerPoint Presentations and Conference Book, digital copies of recent issues of Tax Credit Advisor (TCA) focusing on Green Design & Development (April 2008 & 2009) and Renewable Energy Incentives (August 2008), databases summarizing local, state & federal Green Incentives and QAP Requirements and more…

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