Green/Sustainable Housing

NH&RA News

NPS Publishes New Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings

The National Park Services (NPS) recently released a new report entitled, “The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.”


Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum Slides Now Available

NH&RA is pleased to make available the slides presented at the recent 2011 NCAHMA Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum, April 27-28 in Washington, DC. Slides will be available to the public for a limited time only, and then only available to NH&RA members.


Kentucky Schedules WAP Plan Hearing

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed state plan for the program year 2011 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Formula Grant for Low Income Persons, Title IV, Part A, Public Law 94-385, and on an amendment to the 2009-2012 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) WAP.

NH&RA News

Treasury Issues Updated Guidance on Section 1603 Program

The Treasury Department recently posted updated guidance for the Section 1603 grant in lieu of energy tax credit program, as well as an updated list of frequently asked questions about the 1603 program and their answers.


Join NH&RA on Capital Hill!

Join us April 27-28 in Washington, DC for the Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum!


HUD Releases Guidance on Green Building for 202, 811 Properties

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development & Research recently released a new study entitled, “Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Green Building Design in Section 202 and Section 811 Programs.”

NH&RA News

DOE Issues Weatherization Guidance; Makes More Properties Eligible

DOE has issued a notice to announce another 146 multifamily properties that are eligible to use WAP Funds.


House of Representatives Releases FY-2011 Continuing Resolution Cuts

The Transportation, Housing, Urban Development and Related Agencies section of the CR contains a total of $55.5 billion, a $12.3 billion, or 18%, reduction from fiscal year 2010 levels, and a reduction of $13.2 billion, or 20%, from the President’s fiscal year 2011 request.


Michigan State Budget Proposes Eliminating Tax Credit Programs

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder last week revealed his executive budget for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, in which he proposes eliminate virtually all state tax credit programs.


NH&RA Announces New Spring & Summer Events

NH&RA is pleased to announce our Winter, Spring & Summer Calendar. Events including our Winter New Markets Tax Credit Symposium, 2011 Annual Meeting, Spring Policy & Underwriting Forum, Spring Developers Forum, Summer Institute and Summer New Markets Tax Credit Symposium.


Amendment Introduced to Extend 48C Energy Program

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) recently introduced an amendment to S. 493 that would extend the Section 48C Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit program.


FY-2012 Budget Makes Major LIHTC Changes; Also Extends NMTC & Others Programs

The Department of the Treasury’s FY-2012 Budget Proposal included two major changes to the low-income housing tax credit. The changes if enacted with create a basis boost for certain bond transactions and encourage owners to create more mixed-income housing.

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