Green/Sustainable Housing

Five Strategies for Engaging Residents on Sustainability

New affordable housing can be decked out with all of the latest green innovations as well as energy-efficient and water-conserving features, but maintaining a green development after construction takes additional work from property managers and residents. Five nonprofit and for-profit developers from around the country shared with Affordable Housing Finance their top strategies for engaging […]


House THUD Subcommittee Proposes Cuts to HUD Programs; CNI and HOME Programs Impacted

The U.S. House of Representatives Transportation-HUD (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee on May 5, 2014 released its draft fiscal year (FY) 2015 appropriations legislation for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

New York

New York City’s $41 Billion, Decade Long Affordable Housing Plan

Early this week New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his highly anticipated affordable housing plan entitled, “Housing New York: A Five-Borough, Ten-Year Plan”.


Update: Senate, House Continue to Work on Tax Extenders Legislation

Story Update April 30, 2014: This past week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), said that he will soon have the Senate vote on the EXPIRE Act. The bill made it out of the Senate Finance Committee with broad bipartisan support on April 3, and industry experts expect it to pass the full Senate with […]

Greening Work Styles: An Analysis of Energy Behavior Programs in the Workplace

This report focuses on energy behavior programs in the workplace, which are designed and conducted by building owners and renters to reduce building energy use through change in employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Download

Developing a Focus for Green Building Occupant Training Materials

With the shift from conventional to green buildings a need emerges to train staff on how to work within them. Building occupants control many of the green building technologies, which makes it necessary to educate occupants on the difference between using a green building versus a conventional building in order to secure the green building’s […]

Common Ground Community Green Behavior Programs

In addition to our commitment to green design, Common Ground works to foster and promote healthy/green living and energy efficiency among the staff and tenants of our permanent supportive housing sites. Our goal is create a culture of self sufficiency as well as healthy living/green lifestyle among our tenant populations. Specifically, we work to offer […]

Changing Household Behaviors to Curb Climate Change: How Hard Can it Be?

he residential sector contributes over 20% of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. In an Environment article published two years ago, Gardner and Stern identified a short list of the 27 most effective actions U.S. households could take to decrease their contributions to climate change, suggesting that altering the selection and use of everyday […]

Buildings that learn – the role of building operators

Energy efficiency in buildings is dependent on many different factors; the material quality of the building, and the various technologies implemented. Nonetheless, the use and the users of buildings are also of great significance. This paper analyses building operators and their role in making buildings “work”. Building operators may be viewed as an important user […]

A Retrofit for Sustainability: Meeting Occupants’ Needs within Environmental Limits

The terms “Sustainable Development” and “Sustainable Building” are often overused and ill-defined. A refocus on the core meaning basically results in two requirements with regard to buildings: 1) stay within nature’s limits, and 2) design according to human needs. In this context, the socio-technical system “dwellers and building” not only has to be “green” but […]

2013 QAP Analysis: Green Building Criteria in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Programs

Since 2006, Global Green USA has completed a regular review of QAPs and established a national performance ranking for the green building practices promoted by the QAPs. Download


PTEE Road Show Kickoff is an Eye-Opener for Attendees

NOTE: The following article is reprinted with permission and will appear in the May 2014 issue of Tax Credit Advisor. More than 120 enthusiastic energy- and cost-concerned representatives from  a variety of affordable housing companies and organizations filled a conference room in a building adjacent to Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station on April 3 for a […]

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