Residential multifamily properties represent not only a significant share of the housing stock in the region, but a significant opportunity to capture energy efficiency savings through cost-effective retrofit measures. The ability to attain these savings has never been more vital, as state policymakers throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States are setting […]
Department of Watershed Management Multifamily Toilet Rebate Program Application. Rebates are limited to multifamily property owners and/or management companies whose properties are City of Atlanta water customers. Download
The City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management extends its high-efficiency toilet rebate to multifamily customers. Apartment and condominium communities that are City of Atlanta water customers may qualify. Download
Multifamily toilet rebate program participants are required to recycle toilets that are being replaced and to show proof of recycling in the form of a “load ticket” from one of three porcelain recyclers in the Atlanta area. Download
Focus on Energy is the Wisconsin utilities’ statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy. It is a partnership of all Wisconsin investor owned utilities plus many municipal and cooperative utilities. It assists Wisconsin residents and businesses in implementing energy saving projects by: Offering unbiased information and technical assistance to participating utilities’ electric and/or natural […]
Types of benefits for owners include: Existing total property energy assessment Rebates Download
Types of benefits for owners include: Prescriptive rebates for boilers, tune-ups, water heaters, steam traps Custom rebates for low-flow, windows, building envelope Audits, Energy Design Assitance and Others Bonus rebates are available for Affordable Housing Download
Types of Programs include: Prescriptive / Fixed Rebates (Commonly used Equipment) Custom Holistic Programs Studies Rate Savings Download
Minnesota Energy Resource launched new sector specific Multifamily Program in August 2013, implemented by CEE. It is a comprehensive program addressing energy and water savings opportunities and is free to qualifying building owners. Download
This volume presents certain federal and state tax incentives promoting the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Each section outlines the basic features and regulatory requirements for a tax program which provides financial incentives for clean technology development through renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. A “Western U.S.” version is also available. Contact Jerome Garciano […]
Boston-based WinnCompanies has cut its electric bill for common areas by 25% at Loft 27, a 173-unit apartment building, as the result of efficiency retrofit and solar projects completed in 2012. The apartment development was created from the adaptive re-use of an historic former mill. Download
RStreet Apartments, a collection of 130 apartment units in five historic low-rise buildings, is an example of a situation where an initial green retrofit project doesn’t have to be the end-all and be-all. Rather, new upgrades a few years later can reap additional utility cost savings. Less than four years after a LIHTC renovation was […]