Freddie Mac

Member News

Freddie Mac Welcomes David Leopold as Vice President

Freddie Mac announced that David Leopold, a long-time leader of affordable rental housing lending and investments, is joining the company on April 20, 2015, as vice president of affordable housing production for the Multifamily business.


HUD Publishes Interim Rule for Governing Housing Trust Fund

HUD recently released an interim rule to govern the implementation of the Housing Trust Fund, including establishing the regulations that will govern the funds and the formula that will determine how funds are distributed.


Walker & Dunlop Closes First Affordable Housing Loan Under New Freddie Mac Program

Freddie Mac’s new Direct Purchase of Tax-Exempt Loans initiative, the goal of which is to keep rental housing affordable for lower-income families and lower costs involved with financing for tax exempt multifamily properties, has closed its first loan.

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