Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)


Senate Confirms Calabria as Director of FHFA

On April 4, 2019 the Senate voted 52-44 to confirm Mark Calabria as the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

Federal Housing Finance Agency

FHFA Announces NHTF and CMF Payments

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced the authorization of disbursements from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) and Capital Magnet Fund (CMF). The NHTF will receive $244.86 million and the CMF will receive 131.84 million.


Senate Banking Committee Holds Two Hearings on Housing Finance Reform

On March 26 and 27 the full Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs held hearing on Chairman Mike Crapo’s (R-ID) Housing Finance Reform Outline. At the March 26 hearing Chairman Crapo said he wants to “bring to a close the conservatorship era.” Former Acting FHFA Director Edward DeMarco stated that “the outline captures the consensus elements of prior reform proposals and serves as a solid workable foundation from which to develop legislation.” At the March 27 hearing Chairman Crapo said he “considers Housing Finance Reform to be a top priority for the Banking Committee this Congress” and that “the status quo is simply not a valid viable option.”

Federal Housing Finance Agency

FHLB Chicago 2019 AHP Application Workshops

Join the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Chicago staff to learn more about the 2019 competitive Affordable Housing Program (AHP). Workshops cover eligibility, project feasibility and changes to the scoring guidelines. Member institutions, potential sponsors and project consultants are encouraged to attend.


President Trump Signs Memo on Housing Finance Reform

President Trump signed a memorandum that directs HUD and Treasury to draft administrative and legislative options for housing finance reform to be submitted to the President for approval as soon as practicable. HUD will prepare a reform plan for the housing finance agencies it oversees, and Treasury will prepare a reform plan for Fannie Mae […]

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Donald Layton to Retire as CEO of Freddie Mac; David Brickman Named as Successor

Freddie Mac announced that Donald Layton will retire as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and that the Board of Directors has appointed David Brickman to succeed him effective Monday, July 1. Mr. Brickman will become a member of the Freddie Mac Board of Directors at that time.


Appleton, Calabria and Kurtz Nominations Advance in Senate

On Feb. 26, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs approved the nominations of Seth Appleton to be Assistant Secretary of HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research, Dr. Mark Calabria to be Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and Robert Kurtz to be Assistant Secretary of HUD’s Office of Public and […]


Senate Banking Votes on Calabria’s FHFA Nomination – Feb. 26

On February 26, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs will vote on the nomination of Mark Calabria to lead the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The Committee will also consider the nominations of Seth Appleton to lead HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research and Robert Hunter Kurtz to be the Assistant Secretary […]


Enterprise Blog Summarizes and Responds to Chairman Crapo’s Housing Finance Reform Outline

NH&RA member Enterprise Community Partner recently published a blog post on Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Crapo’s (R-ID) housing finance reform outline. Vice President of Policy Development Andrew Jakabovics argues that eliminating the explicit commitment to affordable housing is a step in the wrong direction and that the housing finance system […]

Federal Housing Finance Agency

NH&RA joins letter to protect the HTF and CMF

NH&RA joined a letter led by the National Housing Conference, the National Low Income Housing Coalition, the Capital Magnet Fund Coalition, LISC and the Opportunity Finance Network which calls on the Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency to continue making allocations to the Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) and the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF).


Senate Committee Considers FHFA Director Nomination

The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs will consider the nomination of Mark Calabria to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) on Feb. 14 at 10 am ET.


Senate Banking Committee Chairman Crapo Releases Outline for Housing Finance Reform

Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) released an outline for housing finance reform legislation. In a statement Chairman Crapo said, “we must expeditiously fix our flawed housing finance system. My priorities are to establish stronger levels of taxpayer protection, preserve the 30-year fixed rate mortgage, increase competition among mortgage guarantors, and promote access to affordable housing.” 

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