

Reminder for 2011 Carryover Allocation Documentation

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) has reminded allocatees that carryover allocation documentation and payment of the allocation fee for all 2011 9% tax credit reservation recipients is due to TCAC no later than…


California Denies Redevelopment Association’s Request for Modified Stay

The California Supreme Court recent denied the California Redevelopment Association’s (CRA) request for a modified stay that would have allowed redevelopment agencies that agreed to make remittance payments under the alternative redevelopment program to initiate new activities or obligations.


California Proposes Regulation Changes Due to Pending State Supreme Court Litigation

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has proposed regulation changes to the state’s QAP in order to assist projects affected by the pending redevelopment litigation before the California State Supreme Court.


California Proposes Updated Geographic Apportionments

California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) announced a proposed readjustment of its geographic regional apportionments for federal and state low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs). The geographic boundaries used for appropriations were last updated in 2004 but the updated methodology proposes using new 2010 Census data for calculating apportionments and the addition of an 11th region: the City of Los Angeles.


California Releases Comments on Cost Containment

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) yesterday released a summary of the comments that it received from stakeholders about costs associated with building affordable housing.


California Halts Dismantling of Redevelopment Agencies

The California Supreme Court has issued a partial stay that halts the dismantling of the state’s redevelopment agencies. The stay is in response to a lawsuit that challenges the validity of eliminating the redevelopment agencies.


California Schedules Forums on Cost Containment

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) will be holding forums throughout the state to discuss the issue of cost containment associated with developing affordable housing.


California Issues Tiebreaker Guidance for Round 2 Applicants

California’s Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) has issued a memorandum that provides guidance for second round applicants regarding final tiebreaker scoring.


HUD Releases Revised Income Limits

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today released revised fiscal year (FY) 2011 income limits for certain areas.


California Releases Guidance for Round 2 Applicants

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee recently released new guidance for first round applicants who are re-applying in the second round for 2011 low-income housing tax credits, as well as additional guidance for all second round applicants.


California Publishes Operating Cost Minimums & Methodology for 2012

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) maintains an operating cost database to help derive operating cost averages for its portfolio of low-income housing tax credit projects.


California Issues LIHTC Guidance & Update

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has issued a new memorandum a new scheduled Committee meeting date (June 22) to announce awards, and provides additional clarifying guidance for prospective second round applicants.

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