The TCAC Application Workshops for developers preparing 2018 applications will be held the week of January 22, 2018. The TCAC Compliance Workshops for property management companies, asset managers, and owners will be held between February 2 and April 12, 2018. Please ensure you are registering for the appropriate workshop. Property management companies should not be registering for the Application […]
The TCAC 2018 applications and attachments for 4% non-competitive projects are available on the TCAC website: The treatment of purchase price in excess of appraised value as presented in the application is expected to be revised. Applicants for the March Committee meeting may use the current 2018 application. TCAC will send a subsequent notice if […]
Parties can easily look up any particular census tract’s designation on the Summary Table.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee recently published final regulation changes after having considered public comments. Read on for a summary of changes.
Register by December 6 to reserve your spot. Locations in both Sacramento and Los Angeles.
Housing and Community Development (HCD) has recently approved new Uniform Multifamily Regulations with an effective date of November 15, 2017.
While hoping for the best, CDLAC is preparing a “dual track” strategy to prepare for the possible elimination of the Private Activity Bond Program through federal tax reform.
California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) is hosting a public workshop on the Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Financing Pilot under the California Hub for Energy Efficiency Financing (CHEEF) on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. CAEATFA, in its partnership with the CPUC, will provide a credit enhancement to private capital lenders to expand access to financing […]
The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Staff recently announced that the AHSC 2017-2018 NOFA has now increased from an originally available $155 million up to $255 million, incorporating proceeds from the August Cap-and-Trade auction.
The following message is from California Tax Credit Allocation Committee Executive Director Mark Stivers.
California’s State Legislature recently passed Senate Bills 2, 3, and 35 all related to affordable housing.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has released proposed QAP changes with a target adoption date of December 13.