

State News Week of September 29: California Governor Jerry Brown Vetoes NMTC and HTC Legislation

On September 29, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed A.B. 1399, a bill to create a state new markets tax credit (NMTC), and A.B. 1999, to create a state historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC).

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until October 10, 2014.


State News Week of September 15, 2014: IRS LIHTC Carryovers and More!

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published that $2.59 million of unused LIHTCs carryovers for calendar year 2014 will be allocated to 35 qualified states and Puerto Rico.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until September 26, 2014.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until September 26, 2014.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Released Proposed Changes to ADFA Housing Policies

ADFA released proposed changes to ADFA Housing Policies for 2014-2015 and will be accepting additional proposals or comments until September 26, 2014.

QAP Arkansas

ADFA Will Host a Policy Development Forum on August 4.

ADFA will host a policy development forum on August 4.


State News Week of July 14: Pennsylvania Senate Considers Expanding Affordable Housing Funds

State Senator Elder A. Vogel Jr. (R-47th District) and a bipartisan group of Pennsylvania State Senators sponsored a bill to expand the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, commonly known as the State Housing Trust Fund….

QAP Arkansas

AHTF Will Host a Discussion on Program Regulations

Arkansas Housing Trust Fund will host a discussion on AHTF Program Regulations on April 17, 2014 Thursday at 2:30 PM.


IRS Sets State Credit Ceilings for 2014

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced in Revenue Procedure 2013-35 that it has set the inflation-adjusted State credit ceiling for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and private activity bond caps for calendar year 2014.


Arkansas QAP Public Hearing

Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) will have a public hearing at a public meeting on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 to review the proposed policy changes to the 2014 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).


IRS Sets State Tax Credit Ceilings for 2013

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced in Revenue Procedure 2012-41 that it has set the inflation-adjusted State credit ceiling for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and private activity bond caps for calendar year 2013.

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