1396 Results for “health”

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What Is A Healthy Neighborhood?

Just as U.S. cities have become bastions of disparity, so too are their neighborhoods. Particularly in this era of spatial dispersion, when rich people settle in centrally-located areas and poor people in the suburbs, it isn’t hard to pick out the right and wrong sides of town.

Using Telehealth

Telehealth has become a widely accepted and important component of the overall healthcare structure in the United States.

Housing Agencies Eye Healthcare

Substandard, unaffordable housing can damage the health of its residents – potentially causing problems like asthma or exacerbating ailments like hypertension.

Healthcare Builds Housing

Six giant health companies are contributing millions of dollars to help build housing in Portland, OR.

Talking Heads: Teresa Lee, Alliance for Home Health Quality and Innovation

The Affordable Care Act is helping revolutionize America’s healthcare delivery system by embracing personalized care at home – akin to the old country doctor visits from a bygone era. Home-based care may eliminate, or at least delay, the need for placement in nursing homes and gives aging Americans the opportunity to retain their independence and dignity.

A Prescription for Healthy Housing

Developers, like renown bank robber Willy Sutton, naturally go where the money is. Yet for far too long, one place they have not been able to go as a potentially huge source of money to create quality affordable housing has been health care. That may be changing, and for the better.

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