1396 Results for “health”

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The Guru Is In: Healthy Housing On the Horizon

Insufficient ventilation and insanitary surroundings reduce the vital resisting power of individuals exposed to such conditions; overcrowding causes closer contact with the infected individuals, and the absence of sunlight prevents the destruction of disease germs by nature’s principal disinfecting agent.

California Awards $85.5 Million to Help People Experiencing Homelessness Who Frequently Use Healthcare Systems

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) awarded a total of $85.5 million to developers and counties throughout California in the first round of funding for the Housing for a Healthy California program. Funding for the program comes from both the Federal National Housing Trust Fund and California’s Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund.

The Growing Healthcare/Housing Investment Pool

We hear a lot of conversation these days about the social determinants of health: healthcare itself; education, personal and family stability, neighborhood and environmental safety and prosperity; and social and community context and commitment.

New Developments: Let’s All Make Housing Healthier

As you will read repeatedly in this issue, affordable housing is one of the most effective (and cost-effective) healthcare interventions, particularly for vulnerable populations, like the homeless. Without the stability of an affordable home, it is very difficult to treat the root causes of many common, yet intervenable, illnesses and conditions that plague modern America, whether it be hypertension, diabetes, obesity, asthma, mental illness or a myriad of other societal ills.

Chief of Behavioral Health & Crisis Services

Adjacent to the Nation’s capital, Montgomery County is a progressive community that is at the forefront of innovative practices in local government. The County’s Department of Health & Human Services – with 6 Chiefs and 1,750 employees – is one of a few in the country to commit to a fully integrative model of public […]

EEFA Releases Two New Reports on Healthy Building Materials

Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) released two new reports to provide industry experts and contractors the information needed to help make healthier building materials the easier choice. The first study by Elevate Energy provides a case study on the Energy Performance of Chicago Properties Retrofit With Fiberglass Insulation. The second study by Three3 examines Drivers, Adoptability and Performance of Healthier Energy-Efficiency Retrofit Materials in Affordable Multifamily Housing.

Quicken Loans, City of Detroit Release Sustainable Financing for Healthy Housing RFP

The Quicken Loans Community Fund, the City of Detroit Housing and Revitalization Department and Quantified Ventures are seeking applications from local organizations that holistically tackle housing challenges affecting the health and well-being of the Detroit community – either by eliminating systemic barriers to housing, or by securing safe, quality housing for low-income and typically underserved […]

HUD, FHA Promotes Development of Hospitals and Health Care Facilities in Opportunity Zones

HUD announced the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will offer several incentives to encourage greater development of hospitals and healthcare facilities located in Opportunity Zones in Notice H-2019-10. Effective immediately, FHA is giving priority to Section 232 applications for facilities located in Opportunity Zones. FHA will provide expedited underwriting for Section 232 applications. FHA is also reducing application/exam fees for all Section 242 and Section 232 transactions for facilities in Opportunity Zones.

How Hospitals & Health Systems Can Support Affordable Housing

The Urban Institute has released a report titled “Affordable Housing Investment: A Guide for Nonprofit Hospitals and Health Systems.”. The report presents key concepts and strategies for designing and implementing housing development projects, complemented by examples and supplemental resources.

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