1396 Results for “health”

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New Developments: Revisiting Healthy Housing Principles

Last month, NH&RA hosted an inspired town hall focused on health and sustainability in affordable housing. The panel theme was inspired by a conversation I had with Krista Egger, vice president of National Initiatives at Enterprise Community Partners. Krista had recently updated me on the latest iteration of Enterprise’s Green Communities (EGC) Standard, which is the “gold standard” for affordable housing green building standards. I was intrigued and excited by the new ways the EGC update incorporates resident health into its design strategy.

Health Secure Construction

Mixed-use housing is poised for a huge expansion in the post-COVID era, as at-risk populations, especially seniors, are going to want more goods and services available to them under one, health-secure roof.

Health Secure Cities

For examples in world history of grand changes to urban planning, look no further than a health crisis.

Health Secure Buildings

“Once you’re home, you’re safe.”

That is the essence of Health Secure Housing as defined by our colleague and TCA columnist David Smith, founder and CEO of the Affordable Housing Institute (AHI) of Boston, MA.

HUD’s Health@Home Webinar Series – Summer and Fall 2020

The Health@Home webinar series consists of four webinars that provide affordable housing rehabilitation specialists and program managers with information on integrating healthy housing techniques into their rehabilitation projects and best practices from practitioners who have successfully implemented these techniques.

New Developments: Health in Housing

After consuming bushels of news articles, social media posts and White House Coronavirus briefings over the past several months, I think we have all become amateur epidemiologists.

The Guru Is In: Inclusive Healthy Housing Infrastructure

Because infrastructure always reaches the poorest last, its networks are always uneven. Because the business case for prevention can never be made until the cost of allowing failure is proven, preventive policies arise only after catastrophe.

Case Study: A Hospital Becomes Housing…with Healthcare

America has seen shifts in senior care provisions. There are at least some elderly people who prefer to retire near urban centers, not suburban campuses, since that puts them near a greater diversity of people and amenities.

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