

Mark Colón Nominated as CPD Assistant Secretary, Solomon Greene as PD&R Assistant Secretary

President Joe Biden sent the nominations of Mark Colón to be assistant secretary for Community Planning and Development (CPD) and Solomon Jeffrey Greene to be assistant secretary for Policy Development and Research (PD&R) within HUD to the Senate for consideration.

General News

NYU Furman Center Says Rent Regulation, Subsidies Best for Stabilization

A policy brief, Rent Regulation for the 21st Century: Pairing Anti-Gouging with Targeted Subsidies, from the NYU Furman Center suggests pairing broad-based anti-gouging rent regulation paired with targeted subsidies as the best way to stabilize low-income renters while avoiding the drawbacks of strict, broad rent regulation and means-testing.

NH&RA News

Bolstering the Housing Safety Net: The Promise of Automatic Stabilizers

A policy paper for the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project proposes a set of automatic stabilizers to federal housing programs to help renters and homeowners stay in their homes during economic downturns.


California 2021 Disaster Credit Demand Survey

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) is preparing proposed regulation changes related to federal disaster credits established by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.


HUD to Resume Inspections June 1

HUD is prioritizing the inspection of high-risk properties (previous low inspection scores and/or have not had an inspection for a long period of time). Residents will have the ability to opt-out should they not wish to have an inspector enter their unit.


Green New Deal for Public Housing Reintroduced

The bill would provide $172 billion to retrofit existing housing through the creation of two new grant programs to achieve carbon neutrality in public housing through workforce development and construction.

General News

Terner Center Report: The Complexity of Financing LIHTC Housing

The authors find that on average, developers need to pull together 3.5 different funding sources to make a development pencil, with some developments requiring as many as 11 sources on top of tax credit equity. The average number of sources has also increased over time, in line with the rise of development costs.


Minnesota Accepting Applications for Housing Trust Fund Rental Assistance Program

Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Rental Assistance Program Request for Proposals (RFP). The HTF Program provides temporary rental assistance, housing related expenses, such as application fees and security deposits, in partnership with supportive services for High Priority Homeless (HPH) families and individuals prioritized for permanent supportive housing by the local Coordinated Entry (CE) system.


AHCIA Introduced in House, Senate

The bill retains most of the provisions from the version that was introduced in the 116th Congress, with two notable exceptions in the bond arena. The minimum four percent rate floor has been removed since it was passed into law in the 2020 year-end bill. The new version of the bill lowers the 50 percent bond-financing threshold to 25 percent.


HUD Opens Third Round of COVID-19 Supplemental Payments

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing recently published a Housing Notice, “Continued Availability of Funds for COVID-19 Supplemental Payments for Properties Receiving Project-Based Rental Assistance under the Section 8, Section 202, or Section 811 Programs.”


Services in HUD-Assisted Housing Webinar – April 29

From 2-3:30 p.m. ET on April 29 HUD’s office of Policy Development and Research will host a panel discussion on services in HUD-Assisted Housing, including services offered through HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) and Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) programs.


Denver Launches Expanding Housing Affordability Project

The Denver Community Planning and Development team is partnering with the Department of Housing Stability on a citywide effort to promote affordable housing through policy tools and incentives.

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