The Nebraska Investment Finance Agency has made available the selection criteria for its Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has published its draft implantation plan for the Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority has published guidance on the deployment of housing assistance funds provided by the Tax Credit Exchange and Tax Credit Assistance (TCAP) programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
NH&RA is pleased to announce that we have created a FaceBook Group for our members. FaceBook is a social networking site that allows its users to stay connected with friends and personal contacts, as well as colleagues and business associates. Its only takes a few minutes to get started and create a profile.
House Ways and Means Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) has that the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures will hold a hearing on issues involving tax-exempt and taxable governmental bonds on May 21.
The General Accountability Office has issued a new report on the Military Housing Privatization entitled “Housing Privatization: DOD Faces New Challenges Due to Significant Growth at Some Installations and Recent Turmoil in the Financial Markets.” The report finds that several force structure and infrastructure initiatives are compounding DOD’s and the developers’ challenges in ensuring that affordable and adequate military family housing will exist when needed.
The Arizona Department of Housing has published its revised draft qualified allocation plan for the 2009 low-income housing tax credit program.
The Arizona Department of Housing has published and is accepting public comments on its draft application for Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
In a letter dated May 11, 2009, California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer sent a letter to key staff at the Department of the Treasury, HUD and the IRS expressing concerns about the recent Application and Terms and Conditions guidance for the implementation of Section 1602 (the Exchange Program) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
NH&RA will continue to update the ARRA resource page below as information is made available.
The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund recently announced that it had received a total of 249 applications for New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) under the 2009 funding round.
The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association has made available the PowerPoint presentations displayed during the recent 2009 Spring Developers Forum: A Time of Opportunity, held May 11-12, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California.