

Wisconsin Announces Multifamily Weatherization Program

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle has announced that funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be used for a new program to weatherize large, multifamily buildings. The new program aims to weatherize approximately 3,000 units in apartment buildings across the state over the next two years, reducing energy use and creating jobs.


Ohio Releases Draft Markup of 2010 QAP

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has released a marked up version of its draft 2010 qualified allocation plan for administering the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.

NH&RA News

Treasury Issues Update on Build America Bond Program

The U.S. Department of Treasury has released an update on the Build America Bonds program, including state-by-state data. The Build America Bonds program is a new financing tool created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to allow state and local governments to obtain much-needed funding to support economic and community development projects.


HUD Releases New Guidance, Documents for TCAP Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released new guidance and documents for the Tax Credit Assistance Program, which will provide federal funds through state housing credit agencies to stalled low-income housing tax credit projects to move them forward.

New York

New York Passes State Historic Tax Credit Legislation

New York State Assembly member Sam Hoyt and Senator David Valesky (Dem.) announced on July 17, 2009 that the New York State Legislature passed legislation (A.9023/S.6056) to create an expanded historic preservation tax credit program that will offer opportunities for economic development and job creation while utilizing existing infrastructure.


Nebraska Releases ARRA Application

The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority has released its application for funding through the Section 1602 Tax Credit Exchange and Tax Credit Assistance Programs, provided by the Recovery Act (ARRA).


Washington Proposes Changes to 2010 Multifamily Housing Evaluation Policy

The Washington Housing Finance Commission’s Capital Projects Division has proposed two changes to its 2010 Multifamily Housing Evaluation Policy, which describes the process and criteria that it uses to evaluate and rank projects for allocation of the Commission’s multifamily portion of the Private Activity Bond Issuance Authority.


Wyoming Releases Draft 2010 QAP, Schedules Hearing

The Wyoming Community Development Authority has released its draft 2010 qualified allocation plan with respect to the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.


USDA Funding Bill Approved by House & Senate Committee

The US House of Representatives passed the USDA Funding (HR 2997) on July 9 while the Senate Appropriations Committee passed its own version of the legislation (S. 1406) on July 7. This measure includes funding for the USDA Rural Development Program.

North Carolina

North Carolina Seeks Input on 2010 QAP

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency is seeking input for its draft 2010 Qualified Allocation prior to publication.

NH&RA News

Freddie Mac Names New CEO

Four months after former CEO David Moffett resigned, Freddie Mac has named Charles Haldeman Jr. as CEO. Interim CEO John Koskinen will return to his position as chairman of the board.

NH&RA News

Obama Administration Names NPS Nominee

President Obama has announced his intention to nominate Jon Jarvis as Director of the National Park Service.

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