

Florida Agency Launches Green Building Website

The Florida Housing Finance Corporation recently launched a new web site to encourage green building practices in affordable housing across the state of Florida.


California Updates Proposed 2010 LIHTC Regulation Changes

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has released a memo updating its proposed regulation changes for the 2010 low-income housing tax credit allocation process.

NH&RA News

Rural Housing Service Proposes Construction-Permanent Loan Guarantee

The Rural Housing Service has issued a proposed rule that would modify federal regulations under the Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program to offer guarantees on construction and permanent loans, defined by the rule as “a loan which provides advances during the construction period and remains in place as a permanent loan at the completion of construction.”

NH&RA News

HUD Publishes Report to Congress on Root Causes of Foreclosure Crisis

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Policy Development and Research has released a report entitled, “Report to Congress on the Root Causes of the Foreclosure Crisis.”


Pennsylvania Releases 2010 Pre-Application Q&A

The Pennsylvania Housing and Finance Agency (PHFA) recently released the questions and answers from its 2010 pre-application workshop for its low-income housing tax credit program.


HUD Extends Guideline, Issues Requirements for HOPE VI Main Street Grants

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has extended the application deadline for $4 million available under the HOPE VI Main Street Grants program until March 3, as well as provides statutory and regulatory requirements, threshold requirements, and rating factors applicable to funding of grant applications.

NH&RA News

USDA Announces Series of Teleconferences, Webinars on Rural Rental Housing

The USDA Rural Development has announced a series of future teleconference and/or Web conference meetings on the USDA Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program.


Legislative Update: 1602/Exchange, NMTC & GO Zone Rehab Provisions Pass House Of Representatives

The House of Representatives has passed tax extenders legislation (HR 4213) on a vote of 241-181. The measure now awaits consideration in the U.S. Senate. Key provisions include…


President Obama to Propose Domestic Discretionary Spending Freeze; Would Impact HUD Programs

President Obama has announced plans to freeze domestic discretionary spending at its current level for three years.


NH&RA YouTube Channel: David Smith & Lisa Alberghini At The 2009 Vision Awards

YouTubeCheck out our YouTube Channel to view our 2009 Affordable Housing Vision Awards addresses from Lisa B. Alberghini, President of the Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Inc. and David A. Smith. CEO of CAS Financial Advisory Services.


Delaware Releases Updated Housing Development Fund Application

The Delaware State Housing Authority has released an updated version of the Housing Development Fund (HDF) supplement application for interested developers when applying for 2010 low-income housing tax credits.

New Jersey

New Jersey Re-Introduces Legislation to Implement State Historic Tax Credit

New Jersey’s state lawmakers recently introduced legislation that would make New Jersey the 31st state to offer a historic rehabilitation tax credit, aimed at helping revitalize historic buildings as well as spur job creation and economic growth.

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