

HFSC Holds July 14 Hearing: How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing

The Housing and Insurance subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing at 9 a.m. ET on July 14 entitled “How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing.”

North Dakota

North Dakota CDBG Pre-Application

The North Dakota Department of Commerce Division of Community Services (NDDCS) announced the opening of a pre-application period for the CDBG FY2023, which ends on July 27


Wisconsin Enacts Bipartisan Package of Affordable Housing Legislation

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) signed five bipartisan bills to address the need for more affordable housing options in Wisconsin.


Hawaii Enacts Legislation to Increase Affordable Housing, Reduce Homelessness

Hawaii Governor Josh Green (D) signed ten bills that will expand access to affordable housing and provide much-needed assistance to families and individuals who might be at risk of becoming homeless:


HUD Creates Office of Manufactured Housing Programs within Office of Housing

HUD created a new Office of Manufactured Housing Programs as an independent office within the Federal Housing Administration.


HUD Releases Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing Tool

HUD announced the Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing page on the HUD Exchange.

Biden-Harris Administration Promotes Equitable Community Development

Last year, the Biden-Harris administration launched the Interagency Community Investment Committee (ICIC), a coalition of agencies with a focus on aligning federal investments to support economic growth in historically underserved communities and address economic disparities.

FHA Multifamily Mortgages up to $120 Million Now Eligible for Standard Underwriting

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) published a Mortgagee Letter that increases the threshold at which a multifamily loan is considered a large loan from $75 to $120 million.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Multifamily Consolidated RFP & Underwriting Standards

Minnesota Housing (MH) announced that the deadline to submit 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 applications is July 13 by noon CT.


Oregon’s 2023 Legislative Highlights

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced that it secured $1.14 billion in housing investments to address the needs of Oregonians.

General News

CDFI Certification Advisory Board Meeting – July 7

The Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) fund continues efforts to revise the CDFI Certification application through the chair of the community development advisory board.


Comments on HUD’s Proposed FMR Calculation Methodology Due July 24

HUD issued a notice with proposed changes to calculate fair market rents (FMRs), including a change in the definition of “recent mover” to include residents who have lived in their current household for 11 months or less and to retain and to expand the use of rent inflation factors calculated by private-sector sources.  

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