
New Hampshire

New Hampshire Releases Draft QAP for 2011

The New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority has released a draft version of its 2011 Qualified Allocation Plan for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) and the HOME Rental Housing Production Program Rules.

New York

Top NY Housing Official Announces Details of Agency Integration

Today, New York’s top housing official, Brian Lawlor, will be announcing the details of the consolidation and merger of New York’s primary housing agencies ““ NYHomes and the Department of Housing & Community Renewal ““ into a single organization under a single leadership structure.


HUD Publishes Market Analysis Report for Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood, TX

HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has prepared a Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis Report for the Killen-Temple-Fort Hood, Texas market area.

NH&RA News

CDFI Fund Releases Preliminary Data on 2009 NMTC Projects

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund has released preliminary data on projects financed by New Markets Tax Credits through December 31, 2009 by organizations that were awarded allocations of NMTCs.


HUD Releases Updated DDA & QCT Tables

On September 9, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the designated Difficult Development Areas (DDA) and Qualified Census Tracts (QCT) for the purposes of the 2011 low-income housing tax credit program; however, the notice omitted the tables listing the metropolitan and non-metropolitan DDAs for 2011.


House Financial Services Committee Schedules Hearing on Livable Communities Act

House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing on September 23 titled “Perspectives on the Livable Communities Act of 2010.”

NH&RA News

GAO Issues Reports on TCAP & Exchange Programs

As part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act reporting requirements the GAO has issued two reports to Congress pertaining to the TCAP and 1602/Exchange Programs:


HUD Renews Multifamily Mortgagee Letter; Impacts Eligibility of Projects Where Construction Has Started

In a new mortgagee letter (2010-27) dated August 30, 2010, HUD has renewed special the Department’s policy for the eligibility of projects for Mortgage insurance where Construction has started.


Pennsylvania Releases Draft 2011 QAP, Schedules Hearing

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency has released its draft of the 2011 Qualified Allocation Plan for administering the low-income housing tax credit program


Fall Forum Early Registration Extended 1 Week

NH&RA is pleased to announce we’ll be extending early registration for our Fall Developers Forum one additional week. Register by 9/24 to take advantage of our early registration discount.


GAO Publishes Report on CDBG Program

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program that focuses on the processes entitlement communities use to make funding decisions.


IRS Issues Guidance on Codification of Economic Substance Provision

The Internal Revenue Service has issued a new notice (Notice 2010-62) that provides interim guidance regarding a provision of the 2010 health care reform law that codified the economic substance doctrine and related amendments to various penalties.

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