National Housing & Rehabilitation Association instituted our Annual Vision Awards in 2004 to honor affordable housing and community development leaders for their invaluable contributions and years of dedications to providing affordable apartments to American families. Read this article to video from our presentation of our 2010 Affordable Housing Vision Award to Howard Cohen.
The Operating Cost Adjustment Factors (OCAF) for 2011 were published in the November 8, 2010 Federal Register.
The Arizona Department of Housing will hold its annual LIHTC workshop on January 20 in Phoenix.
The Colorado Housing Finance Agency has adopted its 2011 QAP, which now awaits approval by the Governor.
HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division recently released Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses for the Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale,
The Treasury Department recently posted two documents relating to renewable energy properties that are not yet placed in service but that plan to apply a cash grant in lieu of tax credits under Section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Voters in Massachusetts rejected Ballot Initiative Question 2, which sought to repeal the state’s affordable housing law known as Chapter 40B.
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) has released a draft of his revised PETRA bill.
The IRS has announced in an administrative notice (2010-74) that there will be no unused housing credit carryover to be allocated to states for calendar year 2010.
Maryland’s Department of Housing & Community Development has issued a new Multifamily Housing Notice (10-10) to its developers, sponsors and housing contacts pertaining to the Fall 2010 Competitive Funding Round.
The National Housing Conference has published a new report it its policy journal entitled “Rental Housing Affordability “” A Review of Current Research.”
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released an update of the Metropolitan Area Quarterly Residential and Business Vacancy Report based on the HUD Aggregated USPS Administrative Data for the third quarter of 2010.