

HUD Releases Analysis of HCV Marketing Opportunity

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released a new report designed to produce an index for every census tract and block group in the United States and Puerto Rico that identifies each tract’s and block group’s potential opportunity for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) holders seeking housing.


HUD Releases Housing Market Conditions Report for Fourth Quarter 2010

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released its U.S. Housing Market Conditions Report for the fourth quarter of 2010.

New Jersey

New Jersey Governor Vetos Historic Rehab Tax Credit

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie last week vetoed a bill that would have created a state historic rehabilitation tax credit program in New Jersey.


Louisiana Releases Timeline for 2011 LIHTCs

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) has announced its tentative timeline of 2011 low-income housing tax credit reservations for competitive applications


Louisiana Announces Plan for Remaining TCAP Allocations

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) recently released a memo that describes how it will award its remaining Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) funds.


Florida Housing Releases Draft White Paper on Jobs Created by LIHTC

Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) recently released a draft white paper that examines the jobs created by the construction and/or preservation of low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) developments.


Congresswoman Waters Reintroduces Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Legislation

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has reintroduced her Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) authorizing legislation from the 111th Congress.


HUD Names New England Regional Administrator

President Obama has named Barbara Fields as the New England regional administrator for HUD.


House Passes FY-2011 Appropriations Continuing Resolution

After four days of debate on the House floor, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a comprehensive 2011 spending bill (HR 1) that would trim more than $60 billion off the government’s budget. The U. S. Senate majority Democrats remain at odds with the Republican controlled House of Representatives over the spending bill and are seeking much more modest spending cuts. President Obama has vowed to veto the measure if it reaches his desk in its current form. The current continuing resolution expires on March 4.


RFP: Market Study/Feasibility Study For Neighborhood in North Detroit

Client seeking qualified consultants to respond to an RFP to prepare a market analysis/feasibility study in a neighborhood in North Detroit.


IRS Issues Guidelines on Taxability of TCAP Grants

The IRS Office of the Chief Counsel has issued a new memorandum (#201106008) addressing the taxability of Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) grants.


California Announces LIHTC Set Aside Estimates

California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has issued a notice announcing 2011 estimates for its annual tax credit set asides and geographic apportionments.

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