

Congressional Committees Take Up Housing Finance Debate

Last week, Senate and House Committees took up discussions about proposals to reform the nation’s housing finance system.


HUD Issues Section 8 Housing Annual Adjustment Factors

HUD has issued its revised Contract Rent Annual Adjustment Factors (AAFs) for adjustment of contract rents on assistance contract anniversaries.

NH&RA News

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Issues Report on LIHTC and Schools

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has issued a new report titled “Does Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Hurt Nearby Schools?”

NH&RA News

DOE Issues New Weatherization Guidance for Multifamily Properties

The Department of Energy (DOE) has issued new policy guidance informing states that they are not to exclude multifamily housing in their plans for spending Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) funds.


HUD Releases Market Analysis of Montgomery, AL

HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has released a Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis of the Montgomery, Alabama market area.


HUD Launches Affordable Housing Partnerships Web Page

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development and Research has added an affordable rental housing partnerships page to its HUD USER website.


President Obama Signs Tax Relief Legislation

President Obama on Friday signed into law the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010. The House last week passed the bill by a vote of 277-148. The Senate approved the bill on December 15 by a vote of 81-19.


Representative Higgins Urges National Park Service To Make Historic Credit Changes

Congressman Brian Higgins recently sent a letter to the National Park Service encouraging the service to review its interpretations of the Secretary Standards for Historic Rehabilitation.


House Democrats Introduce Bond Extension and Tax Bill

Democratic lawmakers on the House Ways and Means Committee have introduced a new bill intended to finance infrastructure investments to create jobs.


California Publishes Application Workshop Q&A

California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has published its 2011 Application Workshop Questions and Answers on its website.

NH&RA News

HUD Publishes 2010 Overview of U.S. Housing Market Conditions

HUD has published its latest U.S. Housing Market Conditions report, which provides an overview of both fourth quarter and annual 2010 housing market conditions.


Connecticut Now Accepting LIHTC Applications

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority is now accepting applications for 9% low-income housing tax credit allocations through the 2011 competitive funding round.

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