

Amendment Introduced to Extend 48C Energy Program

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) recently introduced an amendment to S. 493 that would extend the Section 48C Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit program.


Boston Redevelopment Authority Releases 2010 Census Data

The Boston Redevelopment Authority recently released updated Boston census data and a summary of data changes between 2000 and 2010, including age, ethnicity and housing data.


Nevada Releases Final 2011 QAP

The Nevada Housing Division has released the final 2011 Qualified Allocation Plan, as well as the final LIHTC application, exhibits and supporting documents.

New York

New York Passes 2011-12 Budget

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced the passage of the 2011-2012 state budget.

NH&RA News

GAO Releases Report on Farm Worker Housing

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently published a report that calls for improvements in the management and oversight of the Farm Labor Housing program administered by the Rural Housing Service (RHS).


HUD Issues NOFA for Choice Neighborhoods Finalists

The U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently posted a Notice of Funding Availability for the six entities that were named finalists to receive the first implementation grant funding through HUD’s new Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI).


Virginia Historic Tax Credit Case Overturned By Appeals Court

Novogradac & Company is reporting that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit today published an opinion in the case of Virginia Historic Tax Credit Fund v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue that reverses the December 2009 U.S. Tax Court opinion.

NH&RA News

National Park Service Director Releases Video on Historic Credit

National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis talks about the Historic Preservation Tax Incentives in a new NPS video.


Chicago Releases Draft 2011 QAP

City of Chicago Department of Housing and Economic Development (HED) is making available for public comment a draft of its 2011 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Allocation Plan.

NH&RA News

National Park Service Publishes 2010 Annual Report on Historic Tax Credit Program

The National Park Service (NPS) has released its annual report for fiscal year (FY) 2010 on the historic tax credit (HTC) program.


Industry Groups Urge Senate to Meet Section 8 Obligation

Earlier this month, ten rental housing industry organizations sent a letter encouraging the Senate to include sufficient funding to meet project-based Section 8 rental assistance contractual obligations for both HUD and the Rural Housing Service and ensure that those living in this housing are not displaced.


Nevada Releases Final 2011 QAP & LIHTC Application

The Nevada Housing Division recently released the final documents for administering its 2011 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program.

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