Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed state plan for the program year 2011 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Formula Grant for Low Income Persons, Title IV, Part A, Public Law 94-385, and on an amendment to the 2009-2012 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) WAP.
NH&RA congratulates Corcoran Jennison President Marty Jones on her appointment as the new head of MassDevelopment.
HUD has issued a notice which provides the Department’s responses to comments filed in response to a May 18, 2010, notice (75 FR 27808) announcing HUD’s intent to operate a small area FMR demonstration project in several metropolitan areas.
The Illinois Housing Development Agency (IHDA) Board of Directors last week appointed Mary R. Kenney as the new executive director of the agency.
Last week, U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD) introduced “The Preserving Homes and Communities Act of 2011″ (H.R. 1477).
Housing Assistance Council (HAC) Executive Director Moises Loza has submitted written testimony in response to the Obama Administration’s proposed FY-2012 budget with regard to the nation’s rural housing programs.
HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research recently released a report entitled “Reduction of Worst Case Housing Needs by Assisted Housing,” prepared by the Department of Urban Planning at the University of Kansas.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has prepared a Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis for the Waco, Texas market area.
The Treasury Department recently posted updated guidance for the Section 1603 grant in lieu of energy tax credit program, as well as an updated list of frequently asked questions about the 1603 program and their answers.
The proposed GOP FY-2012 budget resolution released last week proposes a number of cuts and policy option to cut discretionary.
The proposed GOP FY-2012 budget resolution released last week proposes a number of cuts and policy option to cut discretionary.
Join us April 27-28 in Washington, DC for the Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum!