

California Publishes Operating Cost Minimums & Methodology for 2012

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) maintains an operating cost database to help derive operating cost averages for its portfolio of low-income housing tax credit projects.

New York

New York Names HCR Commissioner

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo last week hosted a reception and swearing in ceremony for Darryl C. Towns, Commissioner/CEO of New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR).


Minnesota Releases “˜Environmental Scan’ of Housing

Minnesota’s Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) has released a report entitled, “Environmental Scan: Demographic, Economic and Market Factors Impacting Housing.”

NH&RA News

DC Releases Report on Rent Controlled Rental Units

The Washington D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has released “A Rent Control Report for the District of Columbia,” which provides a comprehensive study of rental units in the District that are subject to rent control.


Maine Schedules Hearings on 2012 Consolidated Plan

MaineHousing has announced that it will hold a series of public forums to develop the State’s 2012 Consolidated Plan.


Massachusetts Proposes Changes to 2012 CDBG Program

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is contemplating changes to several aspects of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for FY 2012.


Louisiana Publishes Final 2011-12 QAP

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) has released final versions (clean and redlined) of its 2011-2012 Qualified Allocation Plan for administering the low-income housing tax credit program.


HUD Secretary Responds to HOME Program Criticisms

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan recently published an op-ed piece in the Washington Post in response to a front-page story last month entitled, “Million Dollar Wasteland,” which criticized the management of HUD’s HOME Program.

NH&RA News

ACHP Conducts Analysis of Historic Regulations

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is currently accepting input from the public relating to its plan for a retrospective analysis of regulations for implementing Section 106 ““ titled “Protection of Historic Properties” ““ within the National Historic Preservation Act.

NH&RA News

Administration Announces Formation of Rural Council

The Obama Administration has announced the formation of the first White House Rural Council.


Update: Congressional Reps Request Details on HOME Projects

Two federal lawmakers this week sent a letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requesting detailed accounting of more than 1,000 affordable-housing construction projects funded by the Department’s HOME Program.


Register for NH&RA’s Summer Institute!

Please join us July 21-24 at the Harbor View Hotel on Martha’s Vineyard for three days of thought provoking sessions, invaluable networking and relaxation. We will also be hosting our Summer New Markets Tax Credit Symposium immediately prior to the Summer Institute on Wednesday, July 20.

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