The Obama Administration has announced that it has named Carol Galante as the acting commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
The Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs recently issued a newsletter that provides clarification about utility allowance and gross rent violations for the Housing Tax Credit program. Also contained in the newsletter:
Recognizing the need for affordable housing near public transit, the Arizona Department of Housing has partnered with the cities of Mesa, Tempe and Phoenix, the Department of Transportation, the Metro light rail, Arizona State University, community leaders and others to create the Sustainable Communities Working Group.
HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has prepared three new Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses for the following markets
The New Markets Tax Credit Coalition (NMTCC) is circulating a letter of support for the new markets tax credit (NMTC) that urges lawmakers to co-sponsor S. 996, the New Markets Tax Credit Extension Act of 2011.
Massachusetts lawmakers have approved a new program designed to integrate support services and affordable housing for the elderly, disabled, and homeless families.
The Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) has released a draft version of its 2012 Qualified Allocation Plan. The draft QAP makes minor changes to the low-income housing tax credit program for 2012.
Leaders of the Missouri State House and Senate reached an agreement this week concerning a $1.5 billion economic development and tax credit reform package and Governor Jay Nixon said he will call the legislature back for a special session later this year to consider the package.
The Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) has released a draft version of its 2012 Qualified Allocation Plan .
Leaders of the Missouri State House and Senate reached an agreement this week concerning a $1.5 billion economic development and tax credit reform package and Governor Jay Nixon said he will call the legislature back for a special session later this year to consider the package.
The Center on Budget & Policy Priorities recently released a new report suggesting that there is no evidence that HUD’s Section 8 rental assistance programs for low-income families (Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Rental Assistance programs) are crowding out spending on other HUD programs, despite recent concerns from several lawmakers.
HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) recently launched The Edge, a new online magazine that provides a comprehensive look at PD&R research, periodicals, and publications covering topics such as Community Development, Fair Housing, Housing Markets, Neighborhood Revitalization, Rental Housing, Affordable Housing, and Sustainability.