

HUD to Host Call on CNI Implementation Grants

HUD recently issued a NOFA for nearly $110 million in FY 2012 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Implementation Grants. HUD executives will host a call to discuss the 2012 funding round on Monday, February 6 at 2:15 pm EST.

NH&RA News

Registration Open for Affordable Housing Census Data Webinar

National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts in partnership with Tax Credit Advisor are pleased to announce the first in a series of forthcoming educational webinars. Our “Learn While You Lunch Series” will convene every other month to explore critical topics pertaining to affordable housing market analysis, underwriting and development.


President Obama Signs FY 2012 Spending Package into Law

For the last month, Congress has considered an appropriations minibus, H.R. 2112, to incorporate Fiscal Year 2012 spending bills for the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and related programs. On November 14, a House-Senate conference committee approved a compromise minibus measure in the form of a conference report.


Senate Approves Appropriations Minibus

For the past few weeks, the United States Senate has been considering an appropriations minibus, H.R. 2112, which includes the annual spending bills for Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development and multiple amendments therein. The Senate approved the legislation by a vote of 69 to 30 on Tuesday, November 1.


New Report Showcases PHA Initiatives to Improve Economic Prosperity

The Center for Housing Policy has released a new brief titled “More than a Roof: Case Studies of Public Housing Agency Initiatives to Increase Residents’ Economic Security. The paper highlights PHA efforts to help residents make progress toward economic security.


HUD Publishes Report on Impediments to Sustainable Native American Construction

HUD recently launched its Sustainable Construction in Indian Country initiative, which is charged with exploring impediments to sustainable construction practices in Native communities, and suggesting solutions to these impediments.


HUD Restores Local Control of Detroit Housing Commission

More than six years after HUD assumed control in 2005, Assistant Secretary Sandra Henriquez announced that the Detroit Housing Commission (DHC) would be returned to local control.


HUD Opens Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant Application

HUD is offering Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grants to Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), local governments, nonprofits, tribal entities, and for-profit developers that apply jointly with a public entity.


California Senate Passes S.B. 654

As of February 1, 2012, California’s redevelopment agencies were permanently disbanded under the direction of Assembly Bill 1X26. However, on January 31, the California State Senate passed S.B. 654 which preserves the remaining balances in these redevelopment agencies’ Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds, approximately $1.5 billion, which were previously designated specifically for affordable housing development.


CTCAC to Host LIHTC Workshops

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) will host four half day LIHTC training workshops to go over 2012 LIHTC application submissions.


Hawaii Considers Legislation to Encourage NMTC Investment

Last week, the Hawaii State Legislature introduced two bills that would expand methods for delivering funding to a community development entity (CDE) by allowing guarantees and credit enhancements.


Wisconsin Summarizes Changes to 2012 LIHTC Cycle

The Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) has released a summary of changes to the 2012 LIHTC cycle made by the Emerging Business Program.

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